The configuration file config_viewer-module-crowdsourcing.xml is located in the local configuration folder next to the other configuration files. The path to it is defined in config_viewer.xml and must contain the full path to the file:
The four content types PERSON, ADDRESS, CORPORATION and COMMENT ( <Content> elements) cannot be extended by further types. However, the usable fields (<field>) can be configured for any type.
To the label:
The displayed name of an attribute field takes place using a generated message key:
Sequence of the value in the generated title of the content. The field values are sorted according to this number and displayed one after the other in the title (= output value of the entire content, for example, in the display below the image).
Special formatting of the value in the title. The placeholder {} is replaced by the actual value and the other characters in this attribute are added.
Currently apparently only used in the toString() method of the configuration element.