1.4 Authority data

Goobi workflow

In the rule set, the attribute normdata="true" must be activated for the desired metadata so that the norm data can be entered in the metadata editor:

<MetadataType type="person" normdata="true">
    <language name="de">Autor</language>
    <language name="en">Author</language>

Then search for the XPATH expression in the rule record for the metadata, where this is exported to MODS:


Goobi viewer Indexer

Now search the configuration file of the Goobi viewer Indexer for the field definition in which the XPATH expression is mapped:


Now make sure that the following section is included for persons:

<groupEntity type="PERSON">
        <field name="MD_VALUE">mods:displayForm</field>
        <field name="MD_DISPLAYFORM">mods:displayForm</field>
        <field name="MD_LINK">@xlink:href</field>
        <field name="MD_CORPORATION">mods:namePart[not(@type)]</field>
        <field name="MD_LASTNAME">mods:namePart[@type="family"]</field>
        <field name="MD_FIRSTNAME">mods:namePart[@type="given"]</field>
        <field name="MD_LIFEPERIOD">mods:namePart[@type="date"]</field>
        <field name="MD_TERMSOFADDRESS">mods:namePart[@type="termsOfAddress"]</field>
        <field name="NORM_URI">@valueURI</field>

For example, a complete entry looks like this:

      <groupEntity type="PERSON">
        <field name="MD_VALUE">mods:displayForm</field>
        <field name="MD_DISPLAYFORM">mods:displayForm</field>
        <field name="MD_LINK">@xlink:href</field>
        <field name="MD_CORPORATION">mods:namePart[not(@type)]</field>
        <field name="MD_LASTNAME">mods:namePart[@type="family"]</field>
        <field name="MD_FIRSTNAME">mods:namePart[@type="given"]</field>
        <field name="MD_LIFEPERIOD">mods:namePart[@type="date"]</field>
        <field name="MD_TERMSOFADDRESS">mods:namePart[@type="termsOfAddress"]</field>
        <field name="NORM_URI">@valueURI</field>

Restart the Goobi viewer Indexer process after the changes have been made. For the commands, see chapter 2.6.

When indexing a record with authority data, information should now be displayed in the log file as follows:

  INFO  2015-04-29 11:25:38,853 (MetadataHelper.java:retrieveNormData:322)
        Retrieving norm data from 'http://d-nb.info/gnd/117395269'...

Goobi viewer Core

For the display, the definition of the metadata for the display of the authority data must now also be configured in the central configuration file of the Goobi viewers Core:

<metadata label="MD_AUTHOR" value="MASTERVALUE_WIKINORM" group="true">
    <param type="field" key="MD_VALUE" />
    <param type="wikipersonfield" key="MD_DISPLAYFORM" />
    <param type="normdatauri" key="NORM_URI" />

If additional information is required in the display, the parameters must be adjusted accordingly. Make sure that a new KEY is defined in the attributes value="", which is then available in the messages_*.properties files. For the above example, the configuration within the language file messages_de.properties is the same, for example:

MASTERVALUE_WIKINORM={1} <a href="http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/{3}" target="_blank"><img src="/viewer/javax.faces.resource/wikipedia.png.xhtml?ln=images/" style="height:16px;" title="Wikipedia" alt="Wikipedia" /></a> {5}

Last updated

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