1.12 Individual page types

In the URL schema of the Goobi viewer's links, there are fixed names for different page types. For example, the image display is always under /image/ and the search under /search/. To assign your own names and to overwrite the default values there is the following configuration block:

        <!-- <viewFullscreen exit="pretty:object3">fullscreen</viewFullscreen> -->
        <!-- <viewObject>object</viewObject> -->
        <!-- <viewToc></viewToc> -->
        <!-- <viewThumbs></viewThumbs> -->
        <!-- <viewMetadata></viewMetadata> -->
        <!-- <viewFulltext></viewFulltext> -->
        <!-- <term></term> -->
        <!-- <browse></browse> -->
        <!-- <sites></sites> -->

For each page type, you can also specify the internal page to which the user should be redirected when leaving the page. It is implemented for the full screen view.

To configure the leaving of a page, the attribute exit must be added to the configuration element pageType. The following values are possible:




Redirects to the view with the specified Pretty mapping ID. These are defined in the file pretty-standard-config.xml in the For example, the value pretty:metadata3 redirects to the metadata page for the current work, with the current page and the current structural element.


Forwards to the last loaded view before the current view. A view is a page like search, fullscreen or metadata. No new view is loaded when scrolling within a work.


Any viewer URL can be specified directly, but without the context path. For example, the URL of the start page is / or /index/

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