1.38 Archive

A separate area in the configuration file is available for configuring the display of archival material. The metadata is configured in the archive metadata list. See Chapter 1.19.6.

<archives lazyLoadingThreshold="1000">
        <node name="collection" icon="fa fa-folder-open-o" />
        <node name="folder" icon="fa fa-folder-open-o" default="true" />
        <node name="class"  icon="fa fa-folder-open-o" />
        <node name="file"   icon="fa fa-file-text-o" />
        <node name="image"  icon="fa fa-file-image-o" />
        <node name="audio"  icon="fa fa-file-audio-o" />
        <node name="video"  icon="fa fa-file-video-o" />
        <node name="other"  icon="fa fa-file-o" />

The lazyLoadingThreshold attribute defines the total number of archive nodes up to which (exclusively) the complete tree is loaded right at the start. Above this value, only the sub-elements of the active node are loaded and then the next ones etc. are loaded when the node is expanded.

In the <nodeTypes /> section, the icons for the individual nodes in the archive plan can be defined:



The name comes from the otherlevel attribute or the level attribute of the EAD file.


Defines the CSS classes for the Font-Awesome icons to be used.


If no other icon has been defined, this one is used. Possible values are true or false. The default value is false.

The setting <expandOnSelect /> can be used to set whether or not the subtree should automatically expand and collapse when a title is clicked. Possible values are true and false. The default value is true.

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