1.11.8 Image Footer

An optional footer can be displayed below the image.

The text it contains is configured as follows:

     <watermarkTextConfiguration enabled="true">

The enabled attribute must be set to true for this functionality to be used. Default is true.

The values urn and purl for <text> are reserved words (case insensitive).

Values that begin with SOLR: followed by the name of an existing Solr metadata field cause the corresponding field in the main document of the record to be evaluated - if present, its value is written to the watermark. All other values are written 1:1 into the watermark. In the latter case you should take care that the entered text is not too long for the watermark.

The text elements will be checked for feasibility in the given order. In the above example, the system first checks whether the MDIGHT field contains a value. If yes, this value is rendered into the footer, all other possibilities are skipped. If no, the next element is evaluated (URN). If this is also not available, the PURL, which can be generated in any case, is passed.

Depending on the value of a field in the Solr search index, alternative footers can be rendered. The entry <watermarkIdField> can occur multiple times. Used for the image footer ID is the value from the first field that is not empty. The field name is defined as follows:


The content of the field can then be read in the config_imageFooter.xml. The following structure must be present:

    <watermark id="Wert1" height="50" width="500" color="CCCCCC">
        <!-- [...] -->
    <watermark id="Wert2" height="50" width="500" color="CCCCCC">
        <!-- [...] -->
    <watermark id="Wert3" height="50" width="500" color="CCCCCC">
        <!-- [...] -->
    <watermark id="default" height="50" width="500" color="CCCCCC">
        <!-- [...] -->

The content of the attribute id=""" corresponds to the value of the index field, otherwise the configuration will use id="default".

Footers that have a value of 0 for height or width are not rendered.

If different footers are to be generated in portals based on different sources in the METS file, it is best to differentiate during indexing.

Example of a configuration based on the setup name and a collection

                    <item>mets:amdSec/mets:rightsMD/mets:mdWrap/mets:xmlData/dv:rights/dv:owner[text() = 'Example Library']</item>
                    <item>mets:xmlData/mods:mods/mods:classification[@authority='ivdcc'][text() = 'example#subcollection#project']</item>

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