1.17.3 Advanced search

There is an advanced search, where you can search specifically in individual metadata fields. In the first line, the search areas from the section <filters /> are offered, see also chapter 1.17.

Different templates can be configured for the field configuration of the advanced search. At least one template name="_DEFAULT" must exist, which is used regularly. In addition, further templates can be configured for configured search hit groups. However, this feature is not implemented in the Reference Theme.

The configuration looks like this:

    <advanced enabled="true">
            <template name="_DEFAULT">
                <field visible="true">MD_TITLE</field>
                <field visible="true">MD_PUBLISHER</field>
                <field visible="true" visible="true"untokenizeForPhraseSearch="true">MD_SHELFMARK</field>
                <field visible="true" hierarchical="true">DC</field>
                <field visible="true" range="true">YEAR</field>
                <field label="-----">#SEPARATOR1#</field>
                <field displaySelectItemsThreshold="100">MD_PLACEPUBLISH</field>
            <template name="stories">
                <field visible="true">MD_TITLE</field>
                <field visible="true">MD_DESCRIPTION</field>

The order of the fields in the configuration file corresponds to the order of the values displayed in the drop-down menu. The attribute enabled turns the advanced search on or off. The default value is true.




Number of search fields displayed


Index fields that should be searchable by the user (these can be selected from the drop-down menu). The selection All fields always exists. This selection causes the corresponding term to be searched through all metadata and full text fields (and also in user-generated content, if crowdsourcing module is activated - analogous to the standard search "in all data". In addition, the fields DEFAULT (search in metadata) and FULLTEXT (search in full texts) can be defined to enable corresponding filtering in the advanced search. Note: the PI_TOPSTRUCT field must be defined here for the search to work within a record.

Field names beginning and ending with a # are treated as non-selectable separators (e.g. #SEPARATOR#). In this case, the label attribute should be used for the visual design of the separator.


The attribute visible="true" specifies whether a field is displayed by default in the advanced search. If the attribute is missing, the field is only offered for selection within the drop-down menu.


If the element has the attribute hierarchical="true", a hierarchically sorted list of the collections available in the index is automatically displayed as a drop-down menu in this line instead of an input field.


The attribute untokenizeForPhraseSearch="true" causes the _UNTOKENIZED version of the field to be used automatically for the phrase search, in order to allow only complete matches and no matches contained (e.g. for a signature search).


Definition of an alternative display label for the search field. This is mainly used for the visual design of separators.


If the unique number of values is below the threshold, a drop-down menu is automatically offered. Default value is 50


If the element has the attribute range="true", two input fields are displayed in the line in which a start and end value can be entered. This is useful, for example, with the automatically generated field YEAR.

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