1.17.3 Advanced search

There is an advanced search, where you can search specifically in individual metadata fields. In the first line, the search areas from the section <filters /> are offered, see also chapter 1.17.

Different templates can be configured for the field configuration of the advanced search. At least one template name="_DEFAULT" must exist, which is used regularly. In addition, further templates can be configured for configured search hit groups. However, this feature is not implemented in the Reference Theme.

The configuration looks like this:

    <advanced enabled="true">
            <template name="_DEFAULT">
                <field visible="true">MD_TITLE</field>
                <field visible="true">MD_PUBLISHER</field>
                <field visible="true" visible="true"untokenizeForPhraseSearch="true">MD_SHELFMARK</field>
                <field visible="true" hierarchical="true">DC</field>
                <field visible="true" range="true">YEAR</field>
                <field label="-----">#SEPARATOR1#</field>
                <field displaySelectItemsThreshold="100">MD_PLACEPUBLISH</field>
            <template name="stories">
                <field visible="true">MD_TITLE</field>
                <field visible="true">MD_DESCRIPTION</field>

The order of the fields in the configuration file corresponds to the order of the values displayed in the drop-down menu. The attribute enabled turns the advanced search on or off. The default value is true.

The fields DOCSTRCT, DOCSTRCT_TOP, and DOCSTRCT_SUB are handled separately and displayed automatically as a drop-down menu.

The field BOOKMARKS is required for the search in the records of a reading list.

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