Configuration editor
This is a plugin for Goobi workflow that allows you to edit all the important configuration files of Goobi workflow.
GPL 2.0 or newer
Last change
25.07.2024 11:43:22
This plugin is used to directly edit the various configuration files of Goobi workflow directly from the user interface within the web browser.
The plugin consists in total of the following files to be installed:
These files must be installed in the correct directories so that they are available under the following paths after installation:
This plugin has its own permission level for use. For this reason, users must have the necessary rights.
Therefore, please assign the following right to the user group of the corresponding users:
Overview and functionality
After installation, the plugin can be found in its own entry in the Administration
menu, from where it can be opened.
After opening, all Goobi configuration files are listed on the left-hand side. These can be opened by clicking on the respective icon in order to edit them.
Please note that the configuration file of this plugin does not appear in the list by default for security reasons and is editable only by super administrators.
Also, no hidden files and no files from hidden folders are displayed.
If you open a file, a text editor appears on the right-hand side in which the file can be edited. If you edit and save a file, a backup is automatically created in the defined backup directory.
According to the value set in the configuration file, a certain number of older backups are retained here before they are replaced by newer ones.
If a file has been changed and an attempt is made to change to another file without saving it, the operator is asked how to proceed with the changes.
Within Goobi, help texts can be defined for configuration files, which can be helpful for editing in this editor. The stored help texts are displayed in the left-hand area depending on the file currently open and also have the option of working with formatting here.
The plugin is configured via the configuration file plugin_intranda_administration_config_file_editor.xml
and can be adapted during operation. The following is an example configuration file:
The parameters within this configuration file have the following meanings:
This is the list that contains all selected configuration file paths. The configuration file path preset in Goobi Workflow is always used.
Configuration files from the absolute path specified here are displayed in the user interface. The path is ignored if it does not exist.
This parameter specifies a relative path in directory
where the backup files should be stored. By default, backup/
is used if the parameter is not specified. To have backup files stored in the same directory as directory
, override the value with backupFolder=""
This integer value specifies how many backup files are kept per configuration file before they are overwritten by new backups. The default value is 8.
This parameter enables filtering of the displayed configuration files in the corresponding folder. Any regex expression can be entered. If this parameter is not used or an empty text is specified, all files are displayed.
If help texts for individual configuration files are to be displayed, these must be stored within the messages files. For this purpose, an adjustment is made in these files, for example:
For each configuration file, a value like the following can be entered there in the respective file.
German version within the file
English version within the file
Note that the prefix plugin_administration_config_file_editor_help_
is added before the name of the configuration file.
Last updated