This workflow plugin allows a mass import of newspaper issues in the form of individual pages, in which the date, issue numbers and page numbers are transferred.
This workflow plugin allows the mass import of newspaper issues that are available as individual pages. For each file in a folder, the issue date and issue number are determined based on the file name. Goobi processes are then created at year level and the issues are generated together with metadata and page associations.
To install the plugin, the following two files must be installed:
To use this plugin, the user must have the correct role authorisation.
Therefore, please assign the role Plugin_workflow_newspaper_pages_importer to the group.
Overview and functionality
If the plugin has been installed and configured correctly, it can be found under the 'Workflow' menu item.
After entering the plugin, the actual import process can be started. This involves searching for existing files within the configured source directory and checking their names. The naming scheme within the file name must look like this:
The characters are in favour of the following:
Specification of the four-digit year
Specification of the two-digit month, with leading zero if necessary
Specification of the two-digit day, with leading zero if necessary
Numerical issue number in three digits, with leading zeros if necessary
File extension, e.g. pdf, jpeg or tif
An example of a directory listing for such a folder content:
During the import process, a process is created in Goobi for each year, in which a structural element is created for each newspaper issue with the associated data, which is generated from the file names and the values of the configuration.
The plugin is configured in the file plugin_intranda_workflow_newspaper_pages_importer.xml as shown here:
<set title="Block 1">
<!-- which folder to use as import source -->
<!-- which workflow to use -->
<!-- prefix for the process title; will be extended by '_' and the year information -->
<!-- prefix to use for the issue titles -->
<issueTitlePrefix>Ausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefix>
<issueTitlePrefixMorning identifier="_a_">Morgenausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefixMorning>
<issueTitlePrefixEvening identifier="_b_">Abendausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefixEvening>
<!-- prefix for the page labels -->
<pageNumberPrefix>Page </pageNumberPrefix>
<!-- language to use for long date formatter in issue title -->
<!-- Whether or not to delete the images from the import folder once they are imported. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false. -->
<!-- Configure here the metadata that shall be added to the anchor file or the volume part of the mets file. -->
<!-- This tag accepts the following attributes:
- @value: metadata value template, which may contain a variable defined by @var wrapped with _ from both sides
- @type: metadata type
- @var: variable that is ready to be used in @value. To use it, wrap it with _ from both sides and put it into the @value string. OPTIONAL.
- Options are YEAR | MONTH | DAY | DATE | DATEFINE, where cases only matters for the references in @value string.
- The only difference between DATE and DATEFINE are their representations of the date: DATE keeps the original format "yyyy-mm-dd" while DATEFINE takes a new one "dd. MMM. yyyy".
- The value of an unknown variable will be its name.
- For example,
- IF one defines a @var by "year", then it should be referenced in @value using "_year_"
- IF one defines a @var by "YEAR", then it should be referenced in @value using "_YEAR_", although YEAR and year are actually the same option
- IF one defines a @var by "unknown", then any occurrences of "_unknown_" will be replaced by "unknown"
- IF one wants to have a @value template containing "_Year_" as hard-coded, then "Year" should be avoided to be @var. If in such cases such a
variable is still needed, then one can define @var to be something like "yEaR".
- @anchor: true if this metadata is an anchor metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
- @volume: true if this metadata is a volume metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
- @person: true if this metadata is a person metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="TitleDocMain" anchor="true" volume="false" person="false" />
<!-- The @volume attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CatalogIDSource" anchor="true" person="false" />
<!-- The @person attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CatalogIDDigital" anchor="true" />
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CurrentNoSorting" anchor="false" volume="true" />
<!-- The @anchor attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="zeitungen#livb" type="SubjectTopic" volume="true" />
<metadata value="pt_zeitung" type="Publikationstyp" volume="true" />
<metadata value="zeitungsherausgeber#livb" type="Classification" volume="true" />
<metadata value="eli" type="ViewerInstance" volume="true" />
<!-- Use @var to generate the final metadata values in the run. -->
<metadata var="YEAR" value="Newspaper Volume _YEAR_" type="CatalogIDDigital" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="Liechtensteiner Volksblatt (_YEAR_)" type="TitleDocMain" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="_YEAR_" type="CurrentNo" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="_YEAR_" type="PublicationYear" volume="true" />
<set title="Block 2">
<!-- which folder to use as import source -->
<!-- which workflow to use -->
<!-- prefix for the process title; will be extended by '_' and the year information -->
<!-- prefix for the page labels -->
<pageNumberPrefix>Page </pageNumberPrefix>
<!-- language to use for long date formatter in issue title -->
<!-- prefix to use for the issue titles -->
<issueTitlePrefix>Ausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefix>
<issueTitlePrefixMorning identifier="_a_">Morgenausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefixMorning>
<issueTitlePrefixEvening identifier="_b_">Abendausgabe vom</issueTitlePrefixEvening>
<!-- Whether or not to delete the images from the import folder once they are imported. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false. -->
<!-- Configure here the metadata that shall be added to the anchor file or the volume part of the mets file. -->
<!-- This tag accepts the following attributes:
- @value: metadata value template, which may contain a variable defined by @var wrapped with _ from both sides
- @type: metadata type
- @var: variable that is ready to be used in @value. To use it, wrap it with _ from both sides and put it into the @value string. OPTIONAL.
- Options are YEAR | MONTH | DAY | DATE | DATEFINE, where cases only matters for the references in @value string.
- The only difference between DATE and DATEFINE are their representations of the date: DATE keeps the original format "yyyy-mm-dd" while DATEFINE takes a new one "dd. MMM. yyyy".
- The value of an unknown variable will be its name.
- For example,
- IF one defines a @var by "year", then it should be referenced in @value using "_year_"
- IF one defines a @var by "YEAR", then it should be referenced in @value using "_YEAR_", although YEAR and year are actually the same option
- IF one defines a @var by "unknown", then any occurrences of "_unknown_" will be replaced by "unknown"
- IF one wants to have a @value template containing "_Year_" as hard-coded, then "Year" should be avoided to be @var. If in such cases such a
variable is still needed, then one can define @var to be something like "yEaR".
- @anchor: true if this metadata is an anchor metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
- @volume: true if this metadata is a volume metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
- @person: true if this metadata is a person metadata, false if not. OPTIONAL. DEFAULT false.
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="TitleDocMain" anchor="true" volume="false" person="false" />
<!-- The @volume attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CatalogIDSource" anchor="true" person="false" />
<!-- The @person attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CatalogIDDigital" anchor="true" />
<metadata value="CHANGE_ME" type="CurrentNoSorting" anchor="false" volume="true" />
<!-- The @anchor attribute is by default false. -->
<metadata value="zeitungen#livb" type="SubjectTopic" volume="true" />
<metadata value="pt_zeitung" type="Publikationstyp" volume="true" />
<metadata value="zeitungsherausgeber#livb" type="Classification" volume="true" />
<metadata value="eli" type="ViewerInstance" volume="true" />
<!-- Use @var to generate the final metadata values in the run. -->
<metadata var="YEAR" value="Newspaper Volume _YEAR_" type="CatalogIDDigital" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="Liechtensteiner Volksblatt (_YEAR_)" type="TitleDocMain" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="_YEAR_" type="CurrentNo" volume="true" />
<metadata var="YEAR" value="_YEAR_" type="PublicationYear" volume="true" />
This parameter is used to specify the directory from which the data is to be imported.
This parameter defines the name of the Goobi process template on the basis of which the processes are to be generated.
Specify here what the title of the processes to be created should be. The year is added when the processes are created (e.g. New_York_Times_123456789).
If the pages in the Arabic pagination are to be preceded by a prefix, this can be defined here (e.g. "Page").
Specify the language to be used for generating the output titles (e.g. en or de).
If a prefix is to be placed before the detailed date as the title of the newspaper issue, this can be entered here (e.g. "Issue from").
If the files to be imported are to be deleted from the import directory after the import, this can be specified here.
These elements can be used to specify which metadata should be used at newspaper and volume level for the processes to be created. An independent metadata is created from each element specified here. It accepts six attributes, whereby value and type are mandatory, while var, anchor, volume and person are optional. Further details can be found in the comments within the sample configuration.