This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the time-controlled plugin for importing housing subsidy files in Austria into Goobi workflow. The metadata is taken from a provided JSON file and the associated PDF files are extracted. The files are provided via an S3 memory in several deliveries, each of which is taken into account within the METS files.
To be able to use the plugin, the following files must be installed:
After installation, the plugin is available under the menu item Administration - Periodic tasks.
Overview and functionality
This plugin is a so-called Quartz plugin for repeated automatic execution. With each call, the plugin assumes that configured Collections within an S3 bucket contain directories. Each directory corresponds to a delivery for an existing file. The following example corresponds to the "second delivery" for the file ST-1431.
Such a delivery contains several data: - a json file with metadata - one or more PDF files and full text files for each document of a `delivery
When the plugin is executed, all existing 'deliveries' are run through and a check is made to see whether they have already been imported into Goobi. If they have not yet been imported, the file is created as a new process if it does not already exist. The process is created on the basis of the configured 'production template' and within the configured 'project'. All metadata is transferred from the json file to the METS file as defined in the configuration file.
A new structural element is created for the respective delivery within the existing or newly created file, to which the metadata of the delivery is then assigned. Within the 'delivery', a 'document' is then created for each PDF file provided, to which the document metadata is assigned. Each 'document' is converted from the supplied PDF file into image files and the full texts are extracted in ALTO format. The image files imported are given a prefix to indicate the delivery number and a suffix for the respective page number within the PDF file from which they originate.
The image file is saved within the master directory of the process. The full text files are stored in the alto directory in the ocr folder. The json file is saved within the import directory.
The configuration covers two areas. On the one hand, the function of the plugin is defined in its configuration file. On the other hand, a central Goobi configuration is used for time control, which defines when this plugin should be started regularly in order to run automatically.
Configuration of the plugin
The plugin is configured in the file plugin_intranda_quartz_bka_wohnbau.xml as shown here:
<!-- collections to import, can exist multiple times -->
<!-- name of the collection -->
<!-- Goobi Project to assign -->
<!-- process template (workflow) to use for the process creation -->
<!-- Endpoint for the S3 server with URL and port -->
<!-- User for the S3 access -->
<!-- Password for the S3 access -->
<!-- Bucket name to use as sourcee -->
<!-- Prefix (folder) to use where the content is located, can be empty -->
<!-- second collections to import -->
<!-- mapping for the individual metadata fields from JSON to ruleset fields -->
<!-- per record -->
<!-- per delivery -->
<!-- per document -->
<!-- Select the command line tool which should be used to create the images. Either 'ghostscript' or 'pdftoppm'. -->
<!-- A parameter to add to the generator call. Repeatable -->
Configuration of the time control
The plugin can be repeated automatically or executed manually. Manual execution is possible by calling it within the menu item Administration - Periodic tasks. Automatic execution, on the other hand, must take place within the configuration file To do this, the configuration must look like this if the plugin is to be executed once every hour:
intranda_quartz_bka_wohnbau=0 0 */1 * * ?
As an example, some further configurations for a different execution time are listed here (cron syntax):