Copying files from metadata fields

This is a technical documentation for the plugin for the automatic enriching the process with images based on metadata with the file names in the process.







GPL 2.0 or newer

Last change

25.07.2024 11:59:06


This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the plugin. This plugin can be used to copy or move images from a configured folder or from specific URLs to the desired folder in the process using the file name stored in the process.


The plugin consists of two files:


The file plugin_intranda_step_fetch_images_from_metadata-base.jar contains the programme logic and must be installed in the following directory so that it can be read by the tomcat user:


The configuration file plugin_intranda_step_fetch_images_from_metadata.xml must also be readable for the tomcat user and must be installed in the following directory:


Overview and functionality

This plugin is integrated into the workflow so that it is executed automatically. Manual interaction with the plugin is not necessary. To use it within a workflow step, it should be configured as shown in the screenshot below.

The plugin is usually executed fully automatically within the workflow. It first determines whether the metadata specified in the configuration exists and then analyses it. The file specified in the metadata is then copied or moved to the media folder of the process based on its name and file extension. The plugin checks the existing images in the media folder of the process to see whether the desired image has already been imported, and if not:

In the following two cases, the order of the imported images is updated and saved in the Mets file:

  • if useUrl is set to true, the plugin will download the image from the specified URL

  • if useUrl is set to false or not at all, the name of each file is checked to determine whether it should be treated as the first file in the directory, while the other images are simply sorted by their names.


The plugin is configured via the configuration file plugin_intranda_step_fetch_images_from_metadata.xml and can be customised during operation. An example configuration file is listed below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        order of configuration is:
          1.) project name and step name matches
          2.) step name matches and project is *
          3.) project name matches and step name is *
          4.) project name and step name are *
        <!-- which projects to use for (can be more then one, otherwise use *) -->
        <!-- true if the images should be fetched from a url, false if the images should be fetched from the following configured folder. DEFAULT false -->

        <!-- metadata containing the file name -->

        <!-- mode="copy|move"   ignoreFileExtension="true|false"-->
        <fileHandling mode="copy" ignoreFileExtension="true" folder="/opt/digiverso/import/images/" />

        <!-- enabled= true|false exportImages=true|false -->
        <export enabled="true" exportImages="true" />


The individual parameters have the following function:



This parameter defines which project the current block <config> should apply to. The name of the project is used here. This parameter can occur several times per <config> block.


This parameter controls which work steps the <config> block should apply to. The name of the work step is used here. This parameter can occur several times per <config> block.


This parameter determines the source location of the images to be retrieved. If it is set to true, the images are retrieved from the registered URLs in the mets file, if it is set to false or not set at all, the images are retrieved from the following configured folder.


The name of the metadata field (usually from the METS file) that contains the file name of the file to be imported is specified here.


The @mode attribute defines whether the images are to be imported by copying or moving. The @ignoreFileExtension attribute controls whether the file extension should be ignored for the copying process or must be exactly correct. The @folder attribute specifies the folder in which the files to be imported are located.


The @enabled attribute defines whether the process is to be exported or not, while the @exportImages attribute defines whether the images are to be taken into account.

Last updated