LayoutWizzard workflow plugin
This workflow plugin allows you to process images from multiple Goobi processes within the LayoutWizzard interface.
GPL 2.0 or newer
Last change
25.07.2024 11:04:39
This workflow plugin allows you to edit several images from different Goobi processes in a common LayoutWizard interface. To do this, it determines all the processes whose workflow is currently in the open workflow step to be configured and offers a LayoutWizzard correction for them.
To install the plugin the following two files must be installed:
To configure how the plugin should behave, various values can be adjusted in the configuration file. The configuration file is usually located here:
Overview and functionality
If the plugin has been correctly installed and configured, it can be found within the menu item Workflow
. After entering the plugin, a LayoutWizzard preview view is opened, which is very similar to the Step plugin for Layoutwizzard.
The operation of this plugin is largely identical to that of the regular LayoutWizard within the preview mode. The only difference worth mentioning here is the presentation of the individual processes, which are visually separated from each other and can be completed by a simple click on the corresponding button. The display of the images is then updated and shows the next process.
The content of the configuration file is as follows:
Last updated