Import for journal articles from an Endnote Export

This is a technical documentation for the plugin to import newspaper articles including merging with existing processes.






GPL 2.0 or newer

Last change

15.08.2024 06:16:52


This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the plugin to import journal articles from an Excel file exported from Endnote.


The plugin must be installed in the following folder:


There is also a configuration file, which must be located at the following location:


Overview and functionality

To use the import, the mass import area must be opened in the process templates and the intranda_import_endnote plugin must be selected in the File upload import tab. An Excel file can then be uploaded and imported.

The import takes place line by line. For each line, the process title is generated from the configured fields and checked to see whether the volume already exists in Goobi. If this is not the case, the process is created again and the configured metadata for anchor and volume is imported.

Now it is checked whether an issue should be created. This is done on the basis of the Issue column. If the field is empty, the article is appended directly to the year, otherwise the correct issue is searched for. If it does not exist yet, it will also be created. The sorting of the issues is based on the number of the Issue column.

The article is then created and added to the issue or volume. If several articles exist, the sorting is done by specifying the start page from the Pages column.


The configuration is done via the configuration file plugin_intranda_import_endnote.xml and can be adapted during operation.


        <metadata ugh="CatalogIDDigital" headerName="Key" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="PublicationYear" headerName="Publication Year" docType="volume"/>
        <metadata ugh="Author" headerName="Author" docType="child" />
        <metadata ugh="TitleDocMain" headerName="Title" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="TitleDocMain" headerName="Publication Title" docType="anchor"/>
        <metadata ugh="ISSN" headerName="ISSN" docType="anchor"/>
        <metadata ugh="DOI" headerName="DOI" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="URL" headerName="Url" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="Abstract" headerName="Abstract Note" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="Pages" headerName="Pages" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="CurrentNo" headerName="Issue" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="CurrentNo" headerName="Volume" docType="volume"/>
        <metadata ugh="DocLanguage" headerName="Language" docType="child"/>
        <metadata ugh="Note" headerName="Manual Tags" docType="volume"/>

The configuration basically allows different configurations for different process templates. For this purpose, only the name of the desired template must be entered in the template field. The entry with the value * is used for all templates for which no separate configuration exists.

The processTitleGeneration element defines the rules with which the process title is to be generated. The same conventions apply as in goobi_projects.xml. The two values ATS (author-title-key) and TSL (title-key) are automatically generated from the available metadata, for the use of further metadata the column names from the Excel file can be used.

The elements anchorDocType, volumeDocType, issueDocType and articleDocType define the structural elements to be used for the elements journal, volume, issue and article. They must exist in the ruleset.

This is followed by the mapping of the metadata. The metadata element is used for this purpose. Three attributes are allowed, in ugh the metadata name from the ruleset is stored, in headerName the heading of the column from the Excel file and in docType it is defined whether the metadata should be added in the journal title (anchor), volume or article (child).

Last updated