This workflow plugin allows you to create several in a relationship with each other to generate standing processes in a single creation mask.
GPL 2.0 or newer
Last change
25.07.2024 10:55:28
With this workflow plugin it is possible to create several related processes in a single creation mask.
The creation mask is completely configurable and each field can be assigned to a metadata in a process. Furthermore, the relationships between the processes are configured.
To install the plugin, the following three files must be installed:
To use this plugin, the user must have the correct role authorisation.
The plugin can be found in the Workflow menu. After entering and loading the interface, you can switch between the available templates in the lower left area.
To create processes, the user should fill in all required fields. Then, by clicking on Create processes, the configured processes are created together with the stored metadata.
The contents of this configuration file are as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?><config><!-- This is an example configuration file for the configuration of various editor masks. Each mask consists of two columns with several boxes. In each box several fields can be defined. A field always has a field type (e.g. text box, select box etc.). In addition, a field has a name and an association with an activity. Since the configuration allows any constellation, current and future data entry masks can be combined as required and thus allow the creation of different processes with Allow relationships with each other from a single entry mask. --> <typename="Heritage file"> <processid="1"template="Monument"/> <processid="2"template="File"/><!-- Write the metadata field "internalNumber" from process 1 into the field "descriptionOf" in process 2 --> <relationsourceProcessId="1"targetProcessId="2"sourceMetadataType="internalNumber"targetMetadataType="descriptionOf"/><!-- Spalte 1 --> <column> <boxname="Monument"><!-- Simple dropdown: Place --> <fieldtype="DROPDOWN"defaultDisplay="true"> <metadatatype>place</metadatatype> <name>Place</name><!-- the values for the places should come from a maintainable vocabulary whose content can be maintained directly in Goobi --> <sourceVocabulary>places</sourceVocabulary> <processId>1</processId> </field><!-- Input field: Street --> <fieldtype="INPUT"> <metadatatype>street</metadatatype> <name>Street</name> <processId>1</processId> </field><!-- Input field: Internal number --> <fieldtype="INPUT"> <metadatatype>internalNumber</metadatatype> <name>Interne Nummer</name><!-- This field is used as process title for process 1 --> <processTitle>true</processTitle> <processId>1</processId> </field> </box> <boxname="Digitised version"><!-- Input Field: DOI/URI --> <fieldtype="INPUT"defaultDisplay="true"> <metadatatype>doi</metadatatype> <name>DOI/URI</name> <processId>2</processId> </field><!-- Simple dropdown: Data holding unit --> <fieldtype="DROPDOWN"> <metadatatype>dataSource</metadatatype> <name>Data holding unit</name><!-- the values for the data holding authorities should come from a maintainable vocabulary whose content can be maintained directly in Goobi --> <sourceVocabulary>dataSources</sourceVocabulary> <processId>1</processId> </field> </box> </column><!-- Spalte 2 --> <column> <boxname="File"><!-- Input Field: Title --> <fieldtype="INPUT"defaultDisplay="true"> <metadatatype>title</metadatatype> <name>Title</name> <processId>2</processId> </field><!-- Text-Area: Description --> <fieldtype="TEXTAREA"defaultDisplay="true"> <metadatatype>description</metadatatype> <name>Description</name> <processId>2</processId> </field><!-- Input Feld: UUID --> <fieldtype="UUID"defaultDisplay="true"> <metadatatype>uuid</metadatatype> <name>UUID</name><!-- This field is used as process title for process 2 --> <processTitle>true</processTitle> <processId>2</processId> </field> </box> </column> </type><!-- Multiple templates can be configured --> <type> ... </type></config>