Data migration from Visual Library
Step plugin for the migration of existing data from Visual Library to Goobi
Last updated
Step plugin for the migration of existing data from Visual Library to Goobi
Last updated
GPL 2.0 or newer
Last change
28.12.2024 20:27:17
This documentation explains the plugin for automatic data transfer of digitised data from a Visual Library instance to Goobi workflow. The publicly accessible METS file is retrieved from the Visual Library system. The metadata, structural data, pagination, images and full texts are then transferred from this file. Immediately after the data transfer, the works can be published in the Goobi viewer.
To be able to use the plugin, the following files must be installed:
Once the plugin has been installed, it can be selected within the workflow for the respective work steps and thus executed automatically. A workflow could look like the following example:
To use the plugin, it must be selected in one step:
After starting the plugin, it first initialises itself with information from the configuration file. The plugin then uses a configured property to determine which OAI interface should be used to query a METS file.
The METS file is then downloaded and all relevant metadata is extracted from it and transferred to the corresponding METS file in Goobi. The same is done for the structural data and the pagination sequences.
Finally, the plugin starts downloading the images from the MAX
file group in order to download the best available quality of the derivatives. If full texts in ALTO
format are available for the requested works, these are also downloaded and saved in the Goobi process.
After successful import, the works can then be further processed and published in the Goobi viewer, for example.
The plugin is configured in the file plugin_intranda_step_migrate_visual_library_to_goobi.xml
as shown here:
The <config>
block can occur repeatedly for different projects or work steps in order to be able to perform different actions within different workflows. The other parameters within this configuration file have the following meanings:
This parameter defines which project the current block <config>
should apply to. The name of the project is used here. This parameter can occur several times per <config>
This parameter controls which work steps the <config>
block should apply to. The name of the work step is used here. This parameter can occur several times per <config>
In addition to these general parameters, the following parameters are available for further configuration:
Specification of the transaction property containing the URL of the OAI interface. This property is expected to contain a URL such as