Stanford Export

Goobi Plugin for the Export of Goobi Processes to the Stanford University Digital Library







GPL 2.0 or newer

Last change

04.09.2024 08:59:05


The present documentation describes the installation, configuration, and use of the Stanford Export Plugin in Goobi workflow.


To be able to use the plugin, the following files must be installed:


In addition, there is a configuration file that must be located at the following location:


To use the plugin, it must be selected in a workflow step:

Overview and functionality

An export step must be configured:

  • Export DMS

  • Automatic task

  • Plugin for workflow step: intranda_export_stanford

During the execution of the step, an export of the Goobi process (similar to exporting to the file system) is performed into the configured directory.

Within this directory, subfolders are created based on the identifier. For example, the identifier qx797sg1405 would generate the following structure: /path/to/folder/qx/797/sg/1405. Within this folder, two additional folders are created: metadata and content.

In the content folder, all generated images, and if available, the ALTO files and single-page PDFs are stored. Additionally, a complete PDF file is generated from the single pages. The metadata folder contains an XML file with information about the files within the content folder.

Finally, the configured URL to the REST API is called to initiate the ingest into the system.


The plugin is configured in the file plugin_intranda_export_stanford.xml as shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- this additional temporary destination folder can stay empty to get ignored -->
	<!-- this is the main folder where the result is exported to -->
    <accessToken>Bearer abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz</accessToken>
    <queryParameter name="description" value="reaccession-via-goobi" />
    <queryParameter name="opening_user_name" value="goobi" />
    <queryParameter name="significance" value="major" />

The following table contains a summary of the parameters and their descriptions:



If this element is present and not empty, the metadata will be written to this folder as dor_export_{objectId}.xml`.


Root directory for the exported data.


Name of the metadata file, containing entries for each exported file.


If this element is present and contains a number greater than 0, the configured number of seconds will be waited after successful export before calling the REST API.


Base URL for the REST API.


Endpoint for the REST API.


Contains the token required for authenticating the REST API.


Contains a query parameter in the attributes name and value, which is appended to the URL as &name=value. This field is repeatable.

Last updated