Catalogue Request

Goobi Step plugin for updating existing METS files with content from a catalogue query



This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the Step plugin for the catalogue query to update records in Goobi workflow.


The plugin consists of the following file:


This file must be installed in the correct directory so that it is available at the following path after installation:


In addition, there is a configuration file that must be located in the following place:


Overview and functionality

The plugin is usually executed fully automatically within the workflow. It first determines whether there is a block in the configuration file that has been configured for the current workflow with regard to the project name and work step. If this is the case, the other parameters are evaluated and the catalogue query is executed with the field content of the METS file specified within the configuration file as identifier.

This plugin is integrated into the workflow in such a way that it is executed automatically. Manual interaction with the plugin is not necessary. For use within a workflow step, it should be configured as shown in the screenshot below.


The plugin is configured via the configuration file plugin_intranda_step_catalogue_request.xml and can be adapted during operation. The following is an example configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


        <!-- which projects to use for (can be more then one, otherwise use *) -->

        <!-- which catalogue to use ('GBV', 'Wiener', 'CBL Adlib' ...), can use variable replacer compatible value as well, e.g. '$(meta.Catalogue)' -->

        <!-- which field to use for the catalogue request (typically '12' for identifier, sometimes '1007' for barcodes, and 
          which identifier to use for the catalogue request (use standard variable replacer compatible value here, e.g. '$(meta.CatalogIDDigital)') -->
        <catalogueField fieldName="12" fieldValue="$(meta.CatalogIDDigital)" />

        <!-- define if existing structure subelements shall be kept (true), otherwise a complete new mets file is created and overwrites the existing one (false) -->

        <!-- define here if the catalogue request shall simply be skipped in case of missing catalogue plugin or missing catalogue identifier; if set to true the plugin will respond with an error status in case of missing information -->

        <!-- define here if the catalogue request shall be skipped in case of request issues (e.g. wrong record identifier or network issues) -->

        <!-- define if children are analysed as well. If a sub element contains an identifier, the metadata will get imported as well -->

        <!-- if records shall be merged: which existing fields shall not be replace with new values? (use the metadatatypes from ruleset) -->


Last updated