Fedora Export
Goobi plugin for exporting Goobi processes to a Fedora repository
This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the Fedora Export Plugin in Goobi workflow.
The plugin must be installed in the following folder:
There is also a configuration file, which must be located at the following location:
Overview and functionality
An export step must be configured:
Export DMS
Automatic task
Plugin for step: FedoraExport
When the step is executed, the Goobi process is exported (in the same way as it is exported to the file system) to the configured Fedora Repository, taking into account the configuration (see above).
The process data can then be retrieved from the repository using the following URL pattern:
Examples of URLs after successful ingest to Fedora
URL of the data record
URL for the METS file
URL for the master images
http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/master/master_00000001.tif http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/master/master_00000002.tif http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/master/master_00000003.tif
URL for the derivatives of the images
http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/media/00000001.tif http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/media/00000002.tif http://localhost:8888/fedora/rest/records/PPN123456789/media/00000003.tif
The configuration is done via the configuration file intranda_export_fedora.xml
and can be adapted during operation.
Last updated