Correction of tables of contents after an OLR

Step plug-in for the correction of recognised tables of contents and the generation of PICA data records



This documentation describes the installation, configuration and use of the plugin.


The program consists of these files:


The file plugin_intranda_step_olr-correction.jar contains the program logic, and should be copied to this path: /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/step.

The file plugin_intranda_step_olr-correction.xml is the config file, and should be copied to the folder /opt/digiverso/goobi/config/.

fter the installation of the plugin, it can be selected in a work step.


The configuration is done via the configuration file plugin_intranda_step_olr-correction.xml and can be adapted during operation. It is structured as follows:

        <!-- which projects to use for (can be more then one, otherwise use *) -->
        <!-- which images to use -->
         <!-- Are the files originally digital rather than scanned? -->
        <!-- which image sizes to use for the big image -->
        <!-- which image format to generate -->
        <!-- colors for different groups -->

General parameters

The <config> block can occur repeatedly for different projects or work steps in order to be able to perform different actions within different workflows. The other parameters within this configuration file have the following meanings:

Further parameters

In addition to these general parameters, the following parameters are available for further configuration:

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