3.2. JavaScript

Basic module

The JavaScript is modular and based on a base module that is initialised when the page is called. It creates a global object with the name goobiWorkflowJS. Methods are attached to this object through further modules and can thus be called in its scope.

var goobiWorkflowJS = ( function() {
    'use strict';

    // global object
    var goobiWorkflow = {};

    // private variables
    var _debug = false;
    var _defaults = {};

    goobiWorkflow.init = function( config ) {
        if ( _debug ) {
            console.log( 'Initializing: goobiWorkflow.init' );
            console.log( '--> config = ', config );

        $.extend( true, _defaults, config );

    return goobiWorkflow;

} )( jQuery );

Add-on module

The global object goobiWorkflow is passed to the add-on module, thus allowing the object to be extended with additional methods. In a module, methods or variables can be defined that can only be called in the module (private\) or in the global object(public).

var goobiWorkflowJS = ( function( goobiWorkflow ) {
    'use strict';

    // private variables
    var _debug = false;
    var _defaults = {};

    goobiWorkflow.module = {
         * @description Method to initialize the module.
         * @method init
        init: function( config ) {
            if ( _debug ) {
                console.log( 'Initializing: goobiWorkflow.module.init' );
                console.log( '--> config = ', config );

            $.extend( true, _defaults, config );
         * @description Method to ...
         * @method myPublicMethod
        myPublicMethod: function() {
            if ( _debug ) {
                console.log( 'EXECUTE: goobiWorkflow.module.myPublicMethod' );

            // magic happens here...
         * @description Public variable
        myPublicVariable: 'can be String, Boolean, Array or Object',

     * @description Method to ...
     * @method _myPrivateMethod
    function _myPrivateMethod() {
        if ( _debug ) {
            console.log( 'EXECUTE: _myPrivateMethod' );

        // magic happens here...

    return goobiWorkflow;

} )( goobiWorkflowJS || {}, jQuery );

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