7.6. goobi_metadataDisplayRules.xml

The goobi_metadataDisplayRules.xml configuration file specifies how the metadata is to be displayed within Goobi's metadata editor. It is usually located at the following path in the file system.


This configuration file describes how individual metadata fields are to be displayed. Among other things, it can be specified that fields are displayed as input fields, selection lists, read-only fields, etc., and can be edited differently by the user. Here is an example of such a configuration file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <context projectName="*">
            <!-- text field -->
            <textarea ref="TitleDocMain">
             <input ref="CatalogIDSource">
            <!-- text area -->
            <textarea ref="TitleDocMainShort">
            <textarea ref="Description">
            <!-- default value -->
            <input ref="PlaceOfPublication">
            <!-- read only -->
            <readonly ref="CatalogIDDigital">
            <!-- Single select -->
            <select1 ref="singleDigCollection">
                <item selected="true">

                <item selected="false">

                <item selected="false">

                <item selected="false">
            <!-- Multi select  -->
            <select ref="Classification">
                <item selected="true">

                <item selected="false">

                <item selected="false">
                    <value>Green 2</value>

                <item selected="false">


In this configuration file, you can define within the projectName attribute for which projects this individually configured display is to apply.

The IDs specified with ref refer to the metadata names that exist in the database for the corresponding project (or task).

Most elements have a child elements label. This can contain text to describe the input field. Normally, this is the name of the concerning meta data, but it can be different for better readability.

In addition, different field types can be selected from a list:

Input Box

The input box is displayed as a normal single-line input field.

<input ref="PlaceOfPublication">

Text Area

The type textarea is similar to the Input Box. However, it is multiline and allows the display size of the field to be adjusted.

<textarea ref="TitleDocMain">
    <label />

Read only Field

The type readonly is similar to the Input Box, but it does not allow changing the field content.

<readonly ref="CatalogIDDigital">
    <label />

Select Box

The select box select1 allows the selection of one value from a list of values. A distinction is made between the display of the value (label) and the actual value to be stored internally (value). With the selected parameter, one <item> element can be preselected.

<select1 ref="singleDigCollection">
    <item selected="true">
    <item selected="false">
    <item selected="false">
    <item selected="false">

Multi Select Box

The Multi Select Box select allows you to select multiple values, all of which should be stored within the metadata field. Here, too, a distinction is made between the displayed value (label) and the internally stored value (value). With the selected parameter, multiple <item> elements can be preselected.

<select ref="Classification">
    <item selected="true">
        <label>Default classification</label>
    <item selected="false">
        <label>Classification 1</label>
        <value>Classification 1</value>
    <item selected="false">
        <label>Classification 2</label>
        <value>Classification 2</value>
    <item selected="false">
        <label>Classification 3</label>
        <value>Classification 3</value>

HTML Input

The htmlInput field type allows you to enter texts with optical formatting options. For example, text can be marked in bold or italic and is saved in the METS file along with the formatting.

<htmlInput ref="Description">


The geonames type allows the search and selection of locations within the GeoNames database.

<!-- Geonames as selectable field, in ruleset the PlaceOfPublication has to have this attribute then: normdata="true" -->
<geonames ref="PlaceOfPublication">


The field type gnd allows the search and data transfer of entries from the Common Standards Database of the German National Library.

<gnd ref="Subject">
    <label />


The dante field type allows you to use the GBV's Dante vocabulary server. All provided vocabularies can be configured. A complete list of available vocabularies can be found at the following address within the notation element:

<dante ref="DocLanguage">
    <field>NORM_LABEL_de, NORM_LABEL_en, NORM_LABEL_fr, NORM_LABEL_es</field>


The viaf field type allows data to be transferred from the VIAF database across all integrated standards databases of different national libraries.

Sample for persons:

<viaf ref="Author">
    <source>100__a; 400__a; 700_a</source>
    <field>001=NORM_IDENTIFIER; 0247_a=URI; 1001_a=NORM_NAME; 1001_d=NORM_LIFEPERIOD; 1001_q=NORM_SEX; 375__a=NORM_SEX;  700__a=NORM_ALTNAME</field>

Sample for places:

<viaf ref="PlaceOfPublication">
    <!-- # Format: 'mmmiis' -->
    <!-- # mmm - MARC main field -->
    <!-- # ii - indicator 1 + 2 (_ if empty) -->
    <!-- # s - MARC subfield -->
    <source>210__a; 111__a; 100__a; 110__a; 150__a; 151__a;</source>

    <!-- # Format: 'mmmiis=label' -->
    <!-- # mmm - MARC main field -->
    <!-- # ii - indicator 1 + 2 (_ if empty) -->
    <!-- # s - MARC subfield -->
    <!-- # label - label of the field, can be used as message key -->
    <field>001=NORM_IDENTIFIER; 0247_a=URI;</field>

Vocabulary manager - List

The vocabularyList field type allows you to transfer data from a specific vocabulary in the vocabulary manager of Goobi workflow. The vocabulary to be used is specified within source.

<vocabularyList ref="singleDigCollection">
    <source>Digital collections</source>

If not all values of the vocabulary should be listed, field can be used to define a restriction for one or more fields that should contain a certain value:

<vocabularyList ref="singleDigCollection">
    <source>Digital collections</source>

Vocabulary manager - Dialog selection

If you want the content of a vocabulary from the Goobi vocabulary manager to be accessible via a search box, the type vocabularySearch is used. You can use field to define which fields of the data records are to be displayed.

<vocabularySearch ref="SubjectTopic">
    <field>Name; Full Name; Description</field>


With the type person, a person can be selected. The person can be specified in more details with the elements <source> and <field>.

<person ref="Name">


With the type corporate, a corporate can be selected. The corporate can be specified in more details with the elements <source> and <field>.

<corporate ref="Name">


With the type process, a process can be selected. The process can be specified in more details with the elements <source> and <field>.

<process ref="Title">

Kultur Nav

The type kulturnav allows data transfer from the Kulturnav database across all integrated standards databases of different national libraries. The person reference and the <source> element can be used to retrieve personal data, for example.

<kulturnav ref="person">
    <source>entityType:Person, entity.dataset:d519f76b-5ce5-4876-906e-7d31a76eb609</source>

Database easydb

With the type easydb, an easydb database can be specified to import information from.

The element easydb defines the desired metadata type, in the attribute ref the name of the metadata is configured to which the entry should apply. The element source contains the ID of the easydb instance in which the search should be performed. The value must correspond to an instance ID from the file plugin_metadata_easydb.xml. In field is the ID of the search to be used. The mapping is done using the ID element in the search section of the file in plugin_metadata_easydb.xml. This allows an individual search query to be configured for each metadata in its own easydb instance. However, the individual search queries can also be reused and entered in field for multiple metadata.

<easydb ref="MetadataName">
    <source>Prize Papers EasyDB</source>

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