1.2 Setting up Eclipse

1.2.1 Starting Eclipse

After downloading the required components, Eclipse can be started. Depending on the operating system, this is usually possible by double-clicking. When asked for the location of the workspace, the following path can be entered here, for example:


The installation directory now looks like this:

1.2.2 Configuring Eclipse


Within Eclipse, you should configure your own SSH key to authenticate with the Git repositories. This is done within the Eclipse settings in the dialogue area General - Network Connections - SSH2. A private SSH key can be added there:

Git properties

In addition, the following two properties email and user should be correctly configured for the use of Git. This can be done within the Eclipse settings in the section Version Control (Team) - Git - Configuration. There the two parameters user.name and user.email should be set.

Setting up the Tomcat Server

Within the properties of Eclipse, the already unpacked Apache Tomcat can be set up under Server - Runtime Environments. The installed Tomcat is selected there.

It should be noted that the correct JRE is also selected:

1.2.3 Installing Lombok for Eclipse

Within Goobi workflow we use the program library Lombok. This must be installed in addition to Eclipse. There are two possible ways to do this:

Installation from Eclipse

The easiest way is to install from within Eclipse. First open the following dialogue via the menu Help - Install New Software:

Here, the installation URL from which the plugin is to be obtained must now be entered in the Work with input field. The following URL is used for this:


Afterwards, only the plugin Lombok must be selected in the lower area of the dialogue window. On the following pages of the dialogue, there is another security query regarding the certificate, which must be confirmed. After restarting Eclipse, the installation is complete.

Manual installation

For manual installation, Lobok must first be downloaded from this URL: https://projectlombok.org/download

After the download, Lombok can be started by double-clicking. If it is not possible to start via a double-click, it is also possible to start via the command line:

cd ~/Downloads
java -jar lombok.jar

After starting, the already installed Eclipse can now be added there in order to then have Lobok added to the Eclipse installation.

1.2.4 Checking out Goobi workflow from Git repository

After setting up Eclipse, Goobi can now be checked out as a project. To do this, simply open the following dialogue via the menu item File and then Import:

In the following dialogue pages, Git is specified as the source for the import.

There the item Clone URI is selected.

Then the URL of the Goobi workflow Git repository can be specified. For GitHub the URL is:


For the use of the intranda Gitea system, the URL is:


In both cases, the URL should be chosen in such a way that authentication can take place via an SSH key that has been set up beforehand. Of course, the respective Git systems (GitHub or Gitea) must have the appropriate public SSH key. In the intermediate dialogue, the use of the SSH key must be confirmed again during the first check-out. You will then be taken to the other dialogue windows.

In the penultimate dialogue window, you can now select that the project is an existing Eclipse project.

After the last dialogue window, the project is checked out and visible in the Eclipse workspace. First of all, the project is compiled by Eclipse and any dependencies are loaded.

If dependencies are still missing, as shown in the previous screenshot, this can be remedied by right-clicking on the project and selecting the menu items Maven - Update Project.

1.2.5 Starting Goobi workflow for the first time

To start Goobi workflow from Eclipse for the first time, you can click on the items 'Run As' and 'Run on Server' in the context menu of the project.

Then the correct server must be selected. Here we take the previously installed Apache Tomcat and name it goobi.

On the following page, the display is simply confirmed.

Goobi workflow now starts automatically and opens a browser window. However, the database connection is not yet correct. Therefore, some error messages still appear in the console in Eclipse.

Switching to the Servers View in the lower area allows us to stop the server again (red icon).

In order to configure the database connection correctly, the project Servers is now opened in the left area and the file servers.xml is entered. There you can see the automatically added element Context within Host in the lower area:

We now replace this element with the following content:

<Context docBase="Goobi" path="/goobi" reloadable="true" source="org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:Goobi">

    	<Resources allowLinking="true">
    	    <PostResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet"
			<PostResources className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet"

    	<Resource name="goobi"
    	    validationQuery="SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE 1"
    	    url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/goobi?characterEncoding=UTF-8&amp;autoReconnect=true&amp;autoReconnectForPools=true" />

Note that the closing tag of Host was usually on the same line as the previous element Context (see previous screenshot). This must not be accidentally overwritten. Afterwards, the file should look like this.

1.2.6 Complete launch of Goobi workflow

All components of Goobi workflow are now set up correctly. Within the Servers View the Tomcat server can now be restarted (green icon). No error is visible in the console anymore.

The web browser can now be accessed with this URL:


A login is now possible on the start page of Goobi workflow with the login goobi and the password goobi.

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