
Adjustments to the configuration of the newspaperRecognizer plugin

The config file plugin_intranda_step_newspaperRecognizer.xml must contain the following block:



The existing configuration must be adopted.

Adjustments to the Archive Management Config

If the following is written in /opt/digiverso/goobi/config/plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management.xml:


this must be replaced by the following:

<title name=‘shelfmarksource’ type=‘NORMAL’ />
<title name=‘TitleDocMain’ type=‘CAMEL_CASE’ />

If useShelfmark is set to false, nothing needs to be adjusted.


Config Editor im Core

With the new version, the plugin for the configuration editor has been integrated into the Goobi workflow core. A few points must be taken into account when updating: The old plugin must be deleted and the configuration file must be renamed.

rm /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/administration/plugin_intranda_administration_config_file_editor.jar
rm /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/GUI/plugin_intranda_administration_config_file_editor-GUI.jar
cd /opt/digiverso/goobi/config/
if [ -f "plugin_intranda_administration_config_file_editor.xml" ]; then
    mv -i plugin_intranda_administration_config_file_editor.xml goobi_configeditor.xml
    if [ ! -f "goobi_configeditor.xml" ]; then
        wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intranda/goobi-workflow/master/install/config/goobi_configeditor.xml

Correction of the right's name:

mysql goobi -NBse "update benutzergruppen set roles=REPLACE(roles,'Plugin_administration_config_file_editor','Admin_config_file_editor') where roles regexp 'Plugin_administration_config_file_editor'"

Adjustments to plugin_step_rename_files

Functionality for configuration has been added to the plugin. The following block must also be added to each <config>...</config> so that the plugin behaves in the same way after the update:

	<namepart type="counter">
            <condition value="{originalfilename}" matches="^(?!.*barcode).*$" />
        <namepart type="static">
            <condition value="{originalfilename}" matches="^.*barcode.*$" />

Last updated