

Die Installation besteht aus insgesamt vier Programmbibliotheken, die im Apache Tomcat bzw. in Goobi erreichbar sein müssen:


Neben diesen Programmdateien werden zwei Konfigurationsdateien benötigt, eine für das Goobi-Plugin, und eine für die zugrundeliegende LayoutWizzard-Programmbibliothek.


Die Konfigurationsdatei des Plugins plugin_LayoutWizzardPlugin.xml muss im Konfigurationsverzeichnis config innerhalb des Goobi-Arbeitsverzeichnisses liegen. Üblicherweise handelt es sich hierbei um diesen Pfad zur Datei:


Innerhalb dieser Konfigurationsdatei wird der Pfad zur eigentlichen zentralen Konfiguration des LayoutWizzards angegeben. Der Aufbau dieser Datei sieht dabei folgendermaßen aus:

<!-- Goobi Plugin configuration file -->
		<!-- which projects to use for (can be more then one, otherwise use *) -->
        <!-- which steps to use for (can be more then one, otherwise use *) -->
        <!-- The absolute path to the layoutwizzard_config.xml to use -->
	    <!-- The initial view of the LayoutWizzard Plugin. Can be one of
	    	* PREVIEW: The preview page of the plugin, displaying all pages in a vertical list
	    	* SINGLEVIEW: The single view page of the plugin, displaying all settings and the first page
	    	* SIMPLECROP: A zoomable cropping view for processes with few large images. Does not support spne cropping-->
	    <!-- The initial viewing mode if the PREVIEW view. One of 
	    	* ALTERNATING to see only left/right images per page
	        * DOUBLE_PAGE to see opposite pages next to each other -->
	    <!-- Config for appearance of single/large image -->
			<!-- Config for frame around the crop area -->
				<!-- Thickness of frame -->
				<!-- Color of frame -->
				<!-- Radius around the frame in which the frame can be selected for drag/resize -->
				<!-- The color filling the area outside the crop frame in the Save View -->
			<!-- Config for line marking the spine position -->
				<!-- Thickness of line -->
				<!-- Color of line -->
				<!-- Radius around the line in which the line can be selected for dragging -->
	    <!-- Config for appearance of images in preview mode -->
			<!-- Config for frame around the crop area -->
				<!-- Thickness of frame -->
				<!-- Color of frame -->
				<!-- Radius around the frame in which the frame can be selected for drag/resize -->
				<!-- The color filling the area outside the crop frame in the Save View -->
			<!-- Config for line marking the spine position -->
				<!-- Thickness of line -->
				<!-- Color of line -->
				<!-- Radius around the line in which the line can be selected for dragging -->
		<!-- Display cropping control elements in preview mode -->
	    <!-- Display the option to select page orientation in preview mode (may be prone to errors) -->
	    <!-- Options for Global cropping options  -->
	    	<!-- Display Global cropping options in single page mode -->
	        <!-- Unit to display crop frame coordinates in. One of
	        	* μm
	        	* mm
	        	* cm
	        	* in -->
	        <!-- Settings for keyboard controls of crop frame. set use="true" to allow changing crop frame using keyboard shortcuts -->
	        <keyboardControls use="true">
	        	<!-- Key(s) to keep pressed when moving the frame. Can be SHIFT, CTRL or ALT -->
	        	<!-- Key(s) to keep pressed when resizing the frame. Can be SHIFT, CTRL or ALT -->
	            <!-- Amount of units (see above) to move the frame for each key press event -->
	    <!-- Display information about the the cropping/deskewing value of the current step -->
	    <info show="true">
	    	<!-- Display format for spine location. {f} is a floating number, {u} the appropriate unit -->
	            <format>Falz: {f}{u}</format>


Die eigentliche Konfigurationsdatei gibt für den Vorgang der Layoutanalyse verschiedene Parameter vor. Diese Parameter sind beispielhaft in der folgenden Konfigurationsdatei aufgeführt. Sie befindet sich, wie in der Plugin-Konfigurationsdatei definiert, unter folgendem Pfad:


Beispielhaft hat diese Konfigurationsdatei den folgenden Inhalt:

<!-- intranda Layout Wizzard configuration file -->
        <defaultCompression quality="85">NONE</defaultCompression>
    <analysis id="firstPageLeft">
    <analysis id="firstPageRight">
        <analysisStep name="PAGESKEW" type="edges" use="true">
            <saveAnalysisImages visibility="INVISIBLE" path="DESKEW">false</saveAnalysisImages>
            <deskewerMode visibility="VISIBLE">ALL_EDGES</deskewerMode>
        <analysisStep name="CONTENTAREA" use="true">
            <saveAnalysisImages visibility="INVISIBLE" path="edgeDetection">false</saveAnalysisImages>
            <contentPadding visibility="VISIBLE">0</contentPadding>
        <analysisStep name="BOOKSPINE" use="true">
            <saveAnalysisImages visibility="INVISIBLE" path="spineDetection">false</saveAnalysisImages>
            <lineGroupingMode visibility="INVISIBLE">GROUP_BY_DISTANCE</lineGroupingMode>
            <croppingAggressiveness visibility="VISIBLE">BALANCED</croppingAggressiveness>
            <maxGroupAngleDeviation visibility="INVISIBLE">10</maxGroupAngleDeviation>
            <spineOffset visibility="VISIBLE">5</spineOffset>

Details über die Anpassung der Konfigurationen finden sich im Abschnitt zur Konfiguration.

Last updated