Dies ist eine technische Dokumentation für das ZOP Export Plugin. Es ermöglicht den Export in die ZOP Instanz der ZB Zürich.
Die vorliegende Dokumentation beschreibt die Installation, Konfiguration und den Einsatz des ZOP-Export-Plugins in Goobi.
Mithilfe dieses Plugins für Goobi können die Goobi-Vorgänge innerhalb eines Arbeitsschrittes an den konfigurierten Ort für ZOP exportiert werden.
Dieses Plugin wird in den Workflow so integriert, dass es automatisch ausgeführt wird. Zur Verwendung innerhalb eines Arbeitsschrittes des Workflows sollte es wie im nachfolgenden Screenshot konfiguriert werden.
Das Plugin muss zunächst in folgendes Verzeichnis kopiert werden:
Die Konfiguration des Plugins erfolgt über die Konfigurationsdatei plugin_intranda_export_zop.xml. Die Konfiguration kann im laufenden Betrieb angepasst werden. Im folgenden ist eine beispielhafte Konfigurationsdatei aufgeführt:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><config_plugin><!-- Order of configuration is: 1.) project name matches 2.) project is * --><!-- There could be multiple config blocks. --><!-- Please make sure that the project names of different config blocks are also different. --><!-- Given two config blocks with the same project name, the settings of the first one will be taken. --> <config><!-- The name of the project. --><!-- MANDATORY --> <project>Archive_Project</project><!-- The name of the item identifier, e.g. CatalogIDDigital. --> <!-- For one-volume works, the value of this Metadata field will be used as the folder's as well as the .ctl file's name. -->
<!-- For multi-volume works, the value of this Metadata field will be used as the name's first part. --><!-- MANDATORY --> <identifier>CatalogIDDigital</identifier><!-- The name to be used to distinguish between different volumes of one book series. --><!-- Alternatively one may also choose "TitleDocMain", just assure its difference between volumes. --><!-- For one-volume works, the value of this Metadata field will not be used. BUT do NOT leave it blank anyway. --> <!-- For multi-volume works, the value of this Metadata field will be used as the second part of the folder's and the .ctl file's name. -->
<!-- MANDATORY --> <volume>CurrentNoSorting</volume><!-- The place you would like to use for the export. --><!-- Absolute path expected. No difference whether you append the directory separator '/' to the end or not. --><!-- If left blank, then the default setting '/opt/digiverso/viewer/hotfolder' will be used. --> <path></path><!-- Whether or not use SFTP for the export. --><!-- If true then use SFTP. If false then perform local export. --><!-- If left blank, then the default setting 'false' will be used. --> <sftp>true</sftp><!-- User name at the remote host. --><!-- MANDATORY if sftp is set to be true. --> <username>CHANGE_ME</username><!-- Name of the remote host. --><!-- MANDATORY if sftp is set to be true. --> <hostname>CHANGE_ME</hostname><!-- Path to the private key file, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa --><!-- The key is expected to be of PEM format, beginning with `BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY`. --><!-- The OPENSSH format, beginning with `BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY`, is not supported yet. --><!-- MANDATORY if sftp is set to be true. --> <keyPath>CHANGE_ME</keyPath> </config> <config> <project>Manuscript_Project</project> <identifier>CatalogIDDigital</identifier> <volume>CurrentNoSorting</volume><!-- Setting up path using a goobi variable. --><!-- No difference whether you add a '/' between '}' and '..' or not. --> <path>{goobiFolder}../viewer/hotfolder/</path> <sftp>false</sftp> <username></username> <hostname></hostname> <keyPath></keyPath> </config> <config> <project>*</project> <identifier>CatalogIDDigital</identifier> <volume>CurrentNoSorting</volume><!-- Setting up path using an ABSOLUTE path. --> <path>/opt/digiverso/viewer/hotfolder</path><!-- Use the default setting 'false'. --> <sftp></sftp> <username></username> <hostname></hostname> <keyPath></keyPath> </config></config_plugin>