Mass upload

This workflow plugin allows a mass upload of files with automatic allocation to the correct Goobi processes either on the basis of the file names or by means of the analysed barcodes.


This workflow plugin allows mass uploading of files that are to be automatically assigned to the correct processes by Goobi workflow. The plugin provides its own interface for this purpose, which either allows you to upload files directly via the web interface or, alternatively, can also read out images from the user directory. These images are checked by the plugin for their name in order to determine the associated Goobi process. If the process has been identified uniquely and the Goobi process identified is also in the configured workflow step, the images are assigned to this step and the workflow is processed further.

As well as assigning files on the basis of their file name, it is also possible to configure the system so that an image analysis is carried out instead, which reads barcodes. This makes it possible that images of several processes are named sequentially, for example, and only a separating sheet between the images needs to be included. All images after such a separator sheet with an identifiable barcode are assigned to the respective process until the next barcode in the file stack is determined.





Source code


GPL 2.0 or newer

Documentation date



To install the plugin, the following two files must be installed:


To configure how the plugin should behave, various values can be adjusted in the configuration file. The configuration file is usually located here:


The contents of this configuration file are as follows:


	<!-- which file types shall be allowed for uploading these -->

	<!-- name of the folder inside of a users home directory to use as alternative for web upload -->

	<!-- define the method how to detect the processes from the uploaded images the following methods are available:
		- "filename" to use the filenames for matching the right Goobi processes
		- "barcode" to detect barcodes inside of the images to assign to the right Goobi processes up to the next barcode page
		- "user" to let the user decide between filename or barcode detection -->

	<!-- copy images using goobi script in the background (true or false) -->

	<!-- which workflow step has to be open to allow the upload into the process -->

	<!-- which part of the files shall be used to find the right process (prefix, suffix or complete) -->

	<!-- define if the process title must contain the value or must match the exact title (contains or exact)  -->


To use this plugin, the user must have the correct role authorisation.

Therefore please assign the role Plugin_Goobi_Massupload to the group.

Explanation of the configuration options

The configuration of the plugin is as follows:

ValueDescription of the


This parameter is used to specify which files may be uploaded. This is a regular expression.


If the files are to be read from the user directory, the name of the folder within the user directory from which the files are to be read can be specified here.


This parameter is used to specify whether the assignment to the processes should be based on barcodes or whether it should be based on the file names. The values available here are filename for the use of file names and barcode for barcode recognition. If the value " user is specified, the user is given a selection option in the user interface.


If data transfer is to take place in the background using the GoobiScript queue functionality, this can be specified here.


Use this repeatable parameter to specify which work step in the determined process must currently be in the open status.


This parameter can be used to specify how the file names are to be assigned to the processes.


Specify the separator that is to be used to truncate a prefix or suffix. This allows you to specify that, for example, an operation called kleiuniv_987654321 is to be determined from a file named kleiuniv_987654321_00002.tif when an assignment is made using prefix and the separator _.


Specify here whether the matching of the processes should be carried out using exact via an exact name or using contains whether the process name should only contain the value.

Operation of the plugin

If the plugin has been correctly installed and configured, it can be found within the menu item 'Workflow'.

At this point, files can either be uploaded or read from the user directory. Once the file names or images have been analysed, Goobi workflow shows the processes to which the imported images can be assigned.

With a click on the button Import files into processes the images are now moved to the directories of the detected processes and the workflow is continued.

Please note: If barcodes are to be recognised in order to determine the processes from them, it is important that the barcodes are also available in sufficient size and quality for the recognition to be successful.

Last updated