Installation for development and tests

If the archive management plugin is to be put into operation for test purposes or for further development, this can be done somewhat differently than under productive conditions. To do this, proceed as follows:

Commissioning the BaseX database

First, the XML database BaseX must be downloaded from the BaseX website. The download can be done from here:

The easiest way to download from there is as a ZIP package, for example in version 9.4.4:

The downloaded zip file can now be unpacked. There, within the directory bin, the database can now be started with the command ./basexhttp.

From a Linux or Mac terminal, all these steps would be called up as follows:

cd /opt/digiverso/
cd basex/bin/

The database server BaseX is now started and can be accessed via a web browser:


Administer database and import EAD file

After BaseX has been downloaded and started, XML files can be imported as new databases. To do this, first open the menu item Database Administration, where a login can be made with these access data:

Login:      admin
Password:   admin

After the successful login, one gets an overview of the installed database, log files, etc.

From there you can now go to the menu item Databases and then click on the button Create.

There you can now enter a name for the new database. Then the button Create must be clicked.

After the new database has been created, an XML file can be imported as content. To do this, click on the Add button.

Here, an EAD file can be selected as an XML file and a path can be assigned under which this data stock is to be accessible. Then click on the 'Add' button.

After importing the EAD file, the content is already available for the Goobi archive management plugin.

Install archive management plugin for Goobi

After the database server has been started and filled with an EAD inventory, the archive management plugin can be put into operation. To do this, the archive management plugin must first be checked out.

git clone

From the checked-out project, the three *.xq files must now be copied from the plugin/src/main/resources/ directory into the webapp subfolder of BaseX.

The plugin can then be compiled:

cd goobi-plugin-administration-archive-management/plugin/
mvn package

If necessary, you must first make an adjustment to the file plugin/module-gui/pom.xml for the user interface before compiling the plugin and comment out the following two lines there:


After compiling the plugin, the two plugin files must be copied to the correct location:

cp plugin/module-gui/target/plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management-GUI.jar /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/GUI
cp plugin/module-main/target/plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management.jar /opt/digiverso/goobi/plugins/administration

In addition, the prepared configuration file from the test/resources directory can be used:

cp plugin/src/test/resources/plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management.xml /opt/digiverso/goobi/config

Depending on where the BaseX database was installed, two adjustments must still be made for writing EAD files in the file system. First, a folder must be created and given the appropriate rights so that EAD files can be saved in it. This folder could, for example, be as follows:


In order to be able to access this specified directory, it must of course actually exist on the system and therefore be created if necessary:

mkdir /opt/digiverso/basex/import

This directory must now be configured correctly within two configuration files. First of all, the adjustment is made in configuration file plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management.xml so that the path is defined there:


In addition, the previously set up file importFile.xq must also be adjusted so that the following line in it refers to the correct path:

let $path := '/opt/digiverso/basex/import/' || $filename

Use the archive management plugin within Goobi

After the plugin has been successfully installed in Goobi, the corresponding user group in Goobi must be given the necessary rights to be able to use the plugin. To do this, the users must have the right Plugin_Administration_Archive_Management.

Editing xhtml files and taglib directly from the Goobi project in Eclipse

For development directly in the Goobi project in Eclipse, the following adjustments can be made.

  • Copy the file plugin_administration_archive_management.xhtml into the uii folder

  • Copying the folder tags and the file intranda.taglib.xml into the WEB-INF folder

  • Adapt the file web.xml with this snippet:


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