
After installing the plugin and the associated database, the plugin must also be configured. This takes place within the configuration file plugin_intranda_administration_archive_management.xml and is structured as follows:


        <!-- define the name(s) of all archives for the plugin -->
        <!-- default title for a new node -->
        <!-- configurations for generating process titles -->
        <!-- maximum length of the body token that will be used to generate a new process title -->
        <!-- the specifically set HEAD token and TAIL token will not be affected by this limit -->
        <!-- if the limit is positively configured, then CAMEL_CASE_LENGTH_LIMITED will be applied upon every body token, otherwise CAMEL_CASE will be applied -->
        <!-- separator string that will be used to combine the tokens -->
        <!-- use id from parent node instead of id from node -->
        <!-- use shelfmark preferably instead of node id if it is available -->
        <!-- // configurations for generating process titles // -->
        <!-- define metadata fields. All fields are displayed on the UI based on the level and the order within this file.
                - @name: contains the internal name of the field. The value can be used to translate the field in the messages files. The field must start with a letter and can not contain any white spaces.
                - @level: metadata level, allowed values are 1-7:
                    * 1: metadata for Identity Statement Area 
                    * 2: Context Area 
                    * 3: Content and Structure Area
                    * 4: Condition of Access and Use Area
                    * 5: Allied Materials Area
                    * 6: Note Area
                    * 7: Description Control Area
                - @xpath: contains a relative path to the ead value. The root of the xpath is either the <ead> element or the <c> element
                - @xpathType: type of the xpath return value, can be text, attribute, element (default)
                - @repeatable: defines if the field can exist once or multiple times, values can be true/false, default is false
                - @visible: defines if the field is displayed on the UI, values can be true/false, default is true
                - @showField: defines if the field is displayed as input field (true) or badge (false, default), affects only visible metadata
                - @fieldType: defines the type of the input field. Posible values are input (default), textarea, dropdown, multiselect, vocabulary
                - @rulesetName: internal name of the metadata in ruleset. If missing or empty, field is not imported into process metadata
                - @importMetadataInChild: defines if the field is imported or skipped in processes for child elements 
                - @validationType: defines a validation rule, allowed values are unique, required, unique+required, regex, regex+required, regex+unique, regex+unique+required
                - @regularExpression defines a regular expression that gets used for validation type regex
                - validationError: message to display in case of validation errors
                - value: list of possible values for dropdown and multiselect lists
                - vocabulary: name of the vocabulary
                - searchParameter: distinct the vocabulary list by the given condition. Syntax is fieldname=value, field is repeatable

        <!-- internal fields, not visible on the UI -->
        <metadata xpath="./ead:eadheader[@countryencoding='iso3166-1'][@dateencoding='iso8601'][@langencoding='iso639-2b'][@repositoryencoding='iso15511'][@scriptencoding='iso15924']/ead:eadid/@mainagencycode" xpathType="attribute" name="mainagencycode" level="1" repeatable="false" visible="false"/>
        <metadata xpath="./ead:eadheader/ead:profiledesc/ead:creation/@normal" xpathType="attribute" name="normalcreationdate" level="1" repeatable="false" visible="false"/>
        <metadata xpath="./ead:eadheader/ead:profiledesc/ead:creation" xpathType="element" name="creationdate" level="1" repeatable="false" visible="false"/>
        <metadata xpath="./ead:eadheader/ead:filedesc/ead:titlestmt/ead:titleproper" xpathType="element" name="titlestmt" level="1" repeatable="false" visible="false"/>

        <!--  Identity Statement Area -->
        <metadata xpath="./ead:control/ead:maintenanceagency/ead:agencycode" xpathType="element" name="agencycode" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="input"/>
        <metadata xpath="./ead:eadheader/ead:eadid" xpathType="element" name="eadid" level="1" repeatable="false" showField="false" fieldType="input" rulesetName="EADID"/>
        <metadata xpath="./ead:control/ead:recordid" xpathType="element" name="recordid" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="input" rulesetName="RecordID"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unitid[not(@type)] | ./ead:did/ead:unitid[not(@type)])[1]" xpathType="element" name="unitid" level="1" repeatable="false" showField="false" fieldType="input" rulesetName="UnitID"/>

        <metadata xpath="./ead:did/ead:unitid[@type='Vorl. Nr.']" xpathType="element" name="Number" level="1" repeatable="true" />
        <metadata xpath="./ead:did/ead:unitid[@type='Altsignatur']" xpathType="element" name="Shelfmark" level="1" repeatable="true" rulesetName="shelfmarksource" validationType="unique">
            <validationError>Der Wert wurde an anderer Stelle bereits verwendet</validationError>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unittitle | ./ead:did/ead:unittitle)[1]" xpathType="element" name="unittitle" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="TitleDocMain" importMetadataInChild="false" />
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unitdate | ./ead:did/ead:unitdate)[1]" xpathType="element" name="unitdate" level="1" repeatable="false" rulesetName="PublicationYear" importMetadataInChild="false" regularExpression="\\d{4}" validationType="regex">
            <validationError>Der Wert ist keine vierstellige Jahreszahl</validationError>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unitdatestructured | ./ead:did/ead:unitdatestructured)[1]" xpathType="element" name="unitdatestructured" level="1" repeatable="false"  rulesetName="DateOfOrigin"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/@level | ./@level)[1]" xpathType="attribute" name="descriptionLevel" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown">

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:physdesc | ./ead:did/ead:physdesc)[1]" xpathType="element" name="physdesc" level="1" repeatable="false" rulesetName="SizeSourcePrint" />
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:physdescstructured | ./ead:did/ead:physdescstructured)[1]" xpathType="element" name="physdescstructured" level="1" repeatable="false" rulesetName="physicalDescriptionExtent" />

        <!-- Context Area -->
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:origination | ./ead:did/ead:origination)[1]" xpathType="element" name="origination" level="2" repeatable="true" rulesetName="Provenience"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:odd/ead:head | ./ead:odd/ead:head)[1]" xpathType="element" name="role" level="2" repeatable="false" fieldType="vocabulary">
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:odd/ead:p | ./ead:odd/ead:p)[1]" xpathType="element" name="person" level="2" repeatable="false"/>

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:bioghist | ./ead:dsc/ead:bioghist)[1]" xpathType="element" name="bioghist" level="2" repeatable="true" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="BiographicalInformation" />
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:custodhist | ./ead:dsc/ead:custodhist)[1]" xpathType="element" name="custodhist" level="2" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="InventoryHistory"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:acqinfo | ./ead:dsc/ead:acqinfo)[1]" xpathType="element" name="acqinfo" level="2" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown" rulesetName="AquisitionInformation" >
            <value>value 1</value>
            <value>value 2</value>

        <!-- Content and Structure Area -->
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:scopecontent | ./ead:dsc/ead:scopecontent)[1]" xpathType="element" name="scopecontent" level="3" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="ContentDescription"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:appraisal | ./ead:dsc/ead:appraisal)[1]" xpathType="element" name="appraisal" level="3" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="AppraisalInformation"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:accruals | ./ead:dsc/ead:accruals)[1]" xpathType="element" name="accruals" level="3" repeatable="true" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="Additions"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:arrangement | ./ead:dsc/ead:arrangement)[1]" xpathType="element" name="arrangement" level="3" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="Arrangement"/>

        <!-- Condition of Access and Use Area -->
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:accessrestrict | ./ead:dsc/ead:accessrestrict)[1]" xpathType="element" name="accessrestrict" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown" rulesetName="AccessLicenseWork" importMetadataInChild="true">
            <value>open access</value>
            <value>required registration</value>

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:userestrict | ./ead:dsc/ead:userestrict)[1]" xpathType="element" name="userestrict" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown" importMetadataInChild="true" rulesetName="UseRestriction">
            <value>good condition</value>

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='Language']/ead:language | ./ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='Language']/ead:language)[1]" xpathType="element" name="langmaterial" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="multiselect" rulesetName="DocLanguage" importMetadataInChild="false">

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='font'] | ./ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='font'])[1]" xpathType="element" name="font" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="multiselect" rulesetName="FontType" importMetadataInChild="false">
            <value>no text</value>

        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:phystech | ./ead:dsc/ead:phystech)[1]" xpathType="element" name="phystech" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="PhysTech" />
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:otherfindaid | ./ead:dsc/ead:otherfindaid)[1]" xpathType="element" name="otherfindaid" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="OtherFindAid"/>

        <!-- Allied Materials Area -->
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:originalsloc | ./ead:dsc/ead:originalsloc)[1]" xpathType="element" name="originalsloc" level="5" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown" rulesetName="OriginalsLocation">
            <value>value 1</value>
            <value>value 2</value>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:altformavail | ./ead:dsc/ead:altformavail)[1]" xpathType="element" name="altformavail" level="5" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown" rulesetName="AlternativeFormAvailable">
            <value>value 1</value>
            <value>value 2</value>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:relatedmaterial/ead:separatedmaterial | ./ead:dsc/ead:relatedmaterial/ead:separatedmaterial)[1]" xpathType="element" name="separatedmaterial" level="5" repeatable="false" rulesetName="SeparatedMaterial"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:bibliography | ./ead:dsc/ead:bibliography)[1]" xpathType="element" name="bibliography" level="5" repeatable="false" rulesetName="BibliographicCitation"/>

        <!-- Note Area -->
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:didnote | ./ead:did/ead:didnote)[1]" xpathType="element" name="didnote" level="6" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="DidNote"/>
        <metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:odd | ./ead:dsc/ead:odd)[1]" xpathType="element" name="oddnote" level="6" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="Odd" />

        <!-- Description Control Area -->
        <metadata xpath="./ead:control/ead:conventiondeclaration" xpathType="element" name="conventiondeclaration" level="7" repeatable="false" fieldType="multiselect" rulesetName="ConventionDeclaration">
            <value>val 1</value>
            <value>val 2</value>
            <value>val 3</value>
            <value>val 4</value>

        <node name="file" ruleset="File" icon="fa fa-file-text-o" processTemplateId="309544" />
        <node name="folder" ruleset="Folder" icon="fa fa-folder-open-o" processTemplateId="309544"/>
        <node name="image" ruleset="Picture" icon="fa fa-file-image-o" processTemplateId="309544" />
        <node name="audio" ruleset="Audio" icon="fa fa-file-audio-o" processTemplateId="309544"/>
        <node name="video" ruleset="Video" icon="fa fa-file-video-o" processTemplateId="309544"/>
        <node name="other" ruleset="Other" icon="fa fa-file-o" processTemplateId="309544" />

General configuration

The two parameters <basexUrl> and <eadExportFolder> configure the connection to the BaseX XML database. The URL to the REST API of the XML database is configured via basexUrl, eadExportFolder contains the folder name into which the plugin exports the EAD files. This folder is monitored by the XML database.

This is followed by a repeatable <config> block. The repeatable element <archive> can be used to specify for which files the <config> block should apply. If there should be a default block that should apply to all documents, * can be used.

The <processTemplateId> is used to specify which process template should be used as the basis for the Goobi processes created.

Configuration of the generation of process titles

The parameters <lengthLimit> <separator> <useIdFromParent> and <useSignature> are used to configure the naming of the process to be generated:

  • The <lengthLimit> value sets a length limit for all tokens except the manually set prefix and suffix. The default setting is 0, i.e. it does not limit the length.

  • The parameter <separator> defines the separator to be used to combine all separate tokens. The default setting is _.

  • The parameter <useIdFromParent> configures whose ID should be used to create the process title. If it is set to true, the ID of the parent node is used. Otherwise, the ID of the current node is used.

  • The parameter <useShelfmarkAsId> configures whether the shelfmark should preferably be used to generate the process title. If it is set to true and a shelfmark actually exists in a predecessor node, this shelfmark is used. Otherwise, the ID of the current node or the parent node is used, depending on the configuration of the parameter <useIdFromParent>.

Configuring the metadata fields

This is followed by a list of <metadata> elements. This controls which fields are displayed, can be imported, how they should behave and whether there are validation rules.

Mandatory fields

Each metadata field consists of at least three mandatory fields:



This value identifies the field. It must therefore contain a unique designation. If the value has not been configured separately in the messages files, it is also used as the label of the field.


This defines the area in which the metadatum is inserted. The numbers 1-7 are allowed: 1. Identity Statement Area, 2. Context Area, 3. Content and Structure Area, 4. Condition of Access and Use Area, 5. Allied Materials Area, 6. Note Area, 7. Description Control Area


Defines an XPath expression that is used both to read from existing EAD files and to write to the EAD file. The path is relative to the <ead> element in the case of the main element, and always relative to the <c> element for all other nodes.

Optional information

There are also a number of other optional specifications:



This defines whether the XPath expression returns an element (default), an attribute or a text.


This can be used to control whether the metadata is displayed in the mask or is hidden. The field may contain the two values true (default) and false.


Defines whether the field is repeatable. The field may contain the two values true and false (default).


Defines whether the field is displayed open in the detail display, even if no value is available yet. The field may contain the two values true and false (default).


A metadata from the rule set can be specified here. When a Goobi process is created for the node, the configured metadata is created.


This can be used to control whether the metadate should also be created in Goobi processes of child nodes. The field may contain the two values true and false (default).


Controls the behaviour of the field. Possible are input (default) , textarea, dropdown, multiselect, vocabulary.


This sub-element is only used with the two types dropdown and multiselect and contains the possible values that are to be available for selection.


This subelement contains the name of the vocabulary to be used. It is only evaluated if vocabulary is set in the type of the field. The selection list contains the main value of each record.


This repeatable subfield can be used to define search parameters with which to filter the vocabulary, the syntax is fieldname=value.


Here you can set whether the field should be validated. Three different rules are possible, which can be combined. unique checks that the content of the field has not been used again in another place, required ensures that the field contains a value. The type regex can be used to check whether the filled value corresponds to a regular expression. With unique+required, regex+required, regex+unique and regex+unique+required several validation rules can be applied.


The regular expression to be used for regex validation is specified here. IMPORTANT: the backslash must be masked by a second backslash. A class is therefore not defined by \w but by \\w.


This subfield contains a text that is displayed if the field content violates the validation rules.

Examples of different field configurations

Simple input field

<metadata xpath="./ead:control/ead:maintenanceagency/ead:agencycode" xpathType="element" name="agencycode" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="input"/>

Text area

<metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unittitle | ./ead:did/ead:unittitle)[1]" xpathType="element" name="unittitle" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="textarea" rulesetName="TitleDocMain" importMetadataInChild="false" />

Selection list

<metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/@level | ./@level)[1]" xpathType="attribute" name="descriptionLevel" level="1" repeatable="false" fieldType="dropdown">

Multiple selection

<metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='Language']/ead:language | ./ead:did/ead:langmaterial[@label='Language']/ead:language)[1]" xpathType="element" name="langmaterial" level="4" repeatable="false" fieldType="multiselect" rulesetName="DocLanguage" importMetadataInChild="false">

Validation of dates

<metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:did/ead:unitdate | ./ead:did/ead:unitdate)[1]" xpathType="element" name="unitdate" level="1" repeatable="false" rulesetName="PublicationYear" importMetadataInChild="false" regularExpression="^([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4})(\\s?\\-\s?([0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4}))?$" validationType="regex">
  <validationError>The value is not a date specification. Permitted values are either years (YYYY), exact dates (YYYY-MM-DD) or time periods (YYYY - YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD-YYYY-MM-DD).</validationError>

Connection of a controlled vocabulary

<metadata xpath="(./ead:archdesc/ead:dsc/ead:acqinfo | ./ead:dsc/ead:acqinfo)[1]" xpathType="element" name="acqinfo" level="2" repeatable="false" fieldType="vocabulary" rulesetName="AquisitionInformation" >

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