4.6. Archiving with Tessella Preservica


Preservica ingest is made up of three parts. The first two of these are performed by a program called SoapGenerator. First of all, the program copies all the data being ingested to the relevant folders so that Preservica can read them. The second step involves creating a configuration file soap.xml using database information about the process. The configuration file contains information that is required to generate the SOAP call. It is also used to store the account data and parameters (e.g. securityTag, CollectionName and schemaName) required for Preservica.

Starting the SOAP Generator

/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/digiverso/goobi/scripts/SoapGenerator.jar 
    -sd {tifpath} 
    -fn {processtitle} 
    -mp {importpath} 
    -p {processid} 
    -cf /opt/digiverso/goobi/scripts/soapGenerator.properties



Possible Goobi variable


-sd, --sourceDirectory


Source material to be ingested

-fn, --foldername


Indicates names to be given to folders during SDB ingest. This is necessary for unambiguous allocation

-mp, --metadataPath


Path to which AMD metadata are to be copied back

-p, --processId


ProcessID, required for the database search

-cf, --configFile


Path to the SoapGenerator’s configuration file containing path data, database access data, etc.


Starting the TaskClient

Once the SoapGenerator has finished its work, the TaskClient is called using the following parameters:

/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/digiverso/taskmanager/bin/TaskClient.jar 
    -itm http://localhost:8080/itm/service 
    -d {processpath} 
    -s {tifpath} 
    -e -i {stepid} 
    -T {processtitle} 
    -t SDB 
    -n soap.xml 
    -gid {processid}


The command parameters are explained in the following table:


Possible Goobi variable




URL to intranda TaskManager interface

-e, --returnError


If entered, the TaskClient will end with an error code to prevent the workflow from continuing automatically.


0 – 10

Priority to execute this job



Goobi process ID



ID for the workflow step that launches the call

-T, --title


Goobi process title for which the call is launched

-t, --jobtype


Job type

-n, --templatename


Name of previously generated configuration file

-s, --source


Path to media directory for the process

-d, --destination


Path to main process directory

Further operation

This call generates an Preservica job in the intranda TaskManager. This type is different from other job types. The upload consists of a SOAP call to the Preservica. The SOAP call is made up of values in the process-specific configuration file soap.xml.

The intranda TaskManager now monitors the AMD output folder for an XML file. If it finds this file, it is placed in the corresponding process folder.

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