4.3.Generating JPEG 2000 using Open JPEG
Cooperating with the intranda TaskManager allows Goobi to outsource the time-consuming job of generating JPEG 2000 to external devices.
Starting the plugin
The following call instruction is required in order to generate JPEG 2000 from a workflow step through TaskManager using Open JPEG:
The command parameters are explained in the following table:
Parameter | Possible Goobi variable | Meaning |
| URL zur Schnittstelle des intranda TaskManagers |
| - | If this parameter is met, the TaskClient will end with an error code to prevent the workflow from continuing automatically |
| Priority to execute this job |
| Goobi process ID |
| The workflow step ID that launches the call |
| The Goobi process title for which the call is launched |
| The job type |
| Name of the previously generated configuration file |
| Path to the process master directory |
| Path to the process main directory |
Operation of the plugin
Once the JPEG 2000 files have been generated, TaskManager will automatically move them into the associated Goobi process folder. As well as recording the successful completion of the jobs in the process log, TaskManager will close the automatic workflow step via WebAPI.
Last updated