4.10. Importing multi-volume source works from the Internet Archive (J-import)

The intranda TaskManager allows Goobi to outsource the task of importing multi-volume source works (previously downloaded from the Internet Archive) to an external, specifically ordered queue.

Starting the plugin

The following instruction is required if you wish to call the import function from an individual step in the workflow:

/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/digiverso/itm/bin/TaskClient.jar 
    -itm http://localhost:8080/itm/service 
    -s {tifpath} 
    -d {processpath} 
    -gid {processid} 
    -i {stepid} 
    -T {processtitle} 
    -t JIMPORT 
    -n jimport


The command parameters are explained in the following table:


Possible Goobi variable




URL to intranda TaskManager interface

-e, --returnError


If this parameter is met, the TaskClient will end with an error code to prevent the workflow from continuing automatically


0 – 10

Priority to execute this job



Goobi process ID



The workflow step ID that launches the call

-T, --title


The Goobi process title for which the call is launched

-t, --jobtype


The job type

-n, --templatename


Name of the previously generated configuration file

-s, --source


Path to media directory for the process

-d, --destination


Path to the process main directory

Operation of the plugin

Once the files have been imported, successful completion of the job is recorded in the process log and the automated workflow step is concluded via WebAPI.

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