4.1. JPEG-2000-Generation with Lurawave
This plugin sends data to the Lurawave JPEG 2000 converter service.
Starting the plugin
To start the plugin, Goobi issues a command such as the one shown below:
The command parameters are explained in the following table:
Possible Goobi variable
URL to the intranda TaskManager interface
, --returnError
If entered, the TaskClient will end with an error code to prevent theworkflow from continuing automatically
0 – 10
Priority to execute this job
Goobi process ID
ID for the workflow step that launches the call
, --title
Goobi process title for which the call is launched
, --jobtype
Job type
, --templatename
Name of the configuration file to be used
, --source
Path to the master directory for the process
, --destination
Path to the images directory for the process
Operation of the plugin
When a Lurawave job is generated, the system creates a new folder in the Lurawave service input folder. This new folder is mounted locally (e.g. under /mnt/lurawave/
) with the name _temp_(internal ID)_{processtitle}
. The configuration file and all TIFF images are copied to the folder. Next, the _temp_
prefix is removed from the folder name. This tells Lurawave to begin the conversion process.
The intranda TaskManager now monitors the Lurawave output folder for a folder of the same name. If it finds this folder, the JP2 images produced are placed in the corresponding sub-folder of the destination
folder during the download phase.
Last updated
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