October 2018

Developments and innovations to Goobi workflow in October 2018

Optimized image display within the METS editor

The metadata editor has been reworked for a better image display. In particular for the ideal display with consideration of image height and image width an optimization was once again carried out. Among other things, the zoom as well as a percentage display of the image size has been made possible.

https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/4e9c2723cb7d1e336c6ae56ba2c34b5026cb378d https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/138e25e56ceed14c89cee494d98032afe28e954a https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/625a7d7984333880271484e999f2273263d7dacd https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/ebfa7fa3ef743f4546a21b8551847c4ef2a96793

New Authentication Configuration for the REST API

A completely new and much more flexible authentication configuration has been created for the REST API. From now on, this configuration allows the locking and releasing of individual HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.).

A sample configuration with a regular expression for the path and the corresponding netmasks can be seen here. It only allows PUT requests against any path that matches the regular expression.

<endpoint path="/processes/\d*?/properties/.*?">
    <method name="put">
        <allow netmask="" token="geheim" />
        <allow netmask="" token="geheim" />
        <allow netmask="0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1/128" token="geheim" />


Simple CORS configuration for the REST API

The new configuration also allows the easy acceptance of cross-origin requests from the browser. The following example configuration shows the activation of CORS requests from the domain as for example https://intranda.com with the methods GET and POST.

The actual GET and POST calls are allowed without IP and token restrictions.

<endpoint path="/processes/search">
    <method name="get">
        <allow />
    <method name="post">
        <allow />

https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/eb53974280cfd2d5c1d6ae42c0944e0d44a0a1a8 https://github.com/intranda/goobi/commit/85413db9a024f55cbec47f704257297b51eab413

Display of full texts within the Image QA plugin

The plugin for the quality control of digitized material has been reworked so that now the full text can be displayed in addition to the images, if it already exists. For this, the workflow must of course be configured in such a way that full text recognition must have taken place beforehand.

https://github.com/intranda/goobi-plugin-step-imageqa/commit/847076ebd0728e7e44f037c83180e36c1ec193e2 https://github.com/intranda/goobi-plugin-step-imageqa/commit/f23ed047d1d81e6b54269ffb785ebae952ec7538 https://github.com/intranda/goobi-plugin-step-imageqa/commit/dd124f738e9143fb34d0e4750307ff162812c0e2 https://github.com/intranda/goobi-plugin-step-imageqa/commit/705bb11d91d996fd7552208d18b458587bd4372e

Last updated