3.3. Definition of structure types

Structure types are defined similarly to metadata types. The element for defining a structure type is called DocStrctType and just like the metadata types, the elements Name and Language have the same properties.

Example: Minimal definition of a structure type with additional <language> elements

    <language name="de">Danksagung</language>
    <language name="en">Acknowledgment</language>

If further structure types are to be subordinate to a structure type as children, this potential affiliation must be defined in the rule set. The element <allowedchildtype> contains the internal name of the corresponding structure type. The sequence of the structure types does not matter here.

Example: structure type definition with potential children

    <language name="de">Danksagung</language>
    <language name="en">Acknowledgment</language>

Similar to the definition of potential children of a structure type, the element <metadata> defines potential metadata types that may be added to a structure type. The element must contain the corresponding internal metadata name. In addition, the <metadata> element may contain other attributes, such as the frequency of use and the type of use of a metadata type in the context of the structure type. For example, a structure type article should necessarily get a title as metadata, but no or any number of authors.

The following attributes are available:

Attribute num

The attribute must contain one of the following values:

Value of the attribute

Meaning of the attribute


not once or as often as desired (0...n)


once or as often as desired (1...n)


not once or once (0...1)


once (1)

If no attribute is specified, the value * is assumed by default.

Attribute DefaultDisplay

The attribute specifies whether the metadata type for the corresponding structural element should be displayed by default (even if it has no content yet). Metadata with content is always displayed. In a metadata entry mask, blank masks can then be generated by querying this attribute. To do this, the attribute must have the value true. Other values or the absence of this attribute is equivalent to the value false.

Example: Complex structure type information

    <language name="de">Zeitschriften-Band</language>
    <language name="en">Periodical Volume</language>
    <metadata num="*">Author</metadata>
    <metadata DefaultDisplay="true" num="1m">CatalogID</metadata>
    <group num="*">CauseEntry</group>
    <metadata num="*">SICI</metadata>

Similar to the definition of potential metadata of a structure type, the element <group> defines potential metadata groups that may be added to a structure type. The element must contain the corresponding internal group name.

The same attributes as for the <metadata> elements are available to configure the frequency.

Structural elements that serve as anchors are marked as such by means of the anchor attribute. These structure items must always be the topmost structure items in a document. The anchor attribute of the <DocStrctType> element contains the value true in these cases.

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