This statistics plugin determines the activity of edits to translations within specific metadata fields.
This statistics plugin enables statistical recording of the activity of translators and editors who edit specific metadata fields within the METS file. In particular, the translation work in the metadata fields Title (Arabic), Title (English), Description (English) and Description (Arabic) is taken into account.
To install the plugin, the following two files must be installed:
A UTF8-encoded text can be passed to this function. The text is checked character by character. If the current character is an alnumeric character (letters, numbers, full stop, comma, letters with diacritics, brackets) but the previous character is not (nothing, space, newline, tab), a new word starts at this point and the word counter is incremented. At the end, the word counter is returned.
Overview and functionality
To use this plugin, the user must have the correct role authorisation.
Therefore, please assign the role view_translation_activity to the group.
Afterwards, the menu item Translation and Editing Activity can be selected in the section Management.
In order to limit the period of the evaluation, the two fields Period from and Period to can be used for the start date and end date. A date in the form YYYY-MM-DD can be entered here. Both entries are optional. If the start date is not filled in, the date on which the first step was completed applies. If the end date is missing, the current date is used.
In the Unit field, you define the time periods in which the evaluation is to be summarised. Here you can choose from the values days, months, quarters or years.
After specifying the required information, two different evaluations can be generated by this plugin:
Evaluation: Overview
The evaluation Overview lists for each period within the start and end date which user has processed how many work steps Translation of Arabic content to English or Translation of English content to Arabic. It also shows how many words were entered in the fields Title (Arabic), Title (English), Description (English) and Description (Arabic) in these steps.
Evaluation: Detailed View
The Detailed View lists each workflow step Translation of Arabic content to English or Translation of English content to Arabic that was completed within the specified start and end date. For each step, the user, the associated process, and the content and number of words from the four fields Title (Arabic), Title (English), Description (English) and Description (Arabic) are also displayed.
The two evaluations can also be downloaded as Excel files.
Further technical information
The following are some SQL statements that may be useful for working with the data in the context of this plugin.
SQL query via a general overview:
SELECTDATE_FORMAT(s.BearbeitungsEnde, '%Y-%m') AS plugin_statistics_sudan_timeRange, WORDCOUNT(GROUP_CONCAT(m1.value SEPARATOR ' ')) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_titleCount, WORDCOUNT(GROUP_CONCAT(m2.value SEPARATOR ' ')) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_titlearabicCount, WORDCOUNT(GROUP_CONCAT(m3.value SEPARATOR ' ')) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_descriptionCount, WORDCOUNT(GROUP_CONCAT(m4.value SEPARATOR ' ')) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_descriptionarabicCount,COUNT(s.Titel) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_workflowTitleCount,CONCAT(u.Nachname, ', ', u.Vorname) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_userNameFROM metadata m1JOIN metadata m2 ON m1.processid = m2.processidJOIN metadata m3 ON m1.processid = m3.processidJOIN metadata m4 ON m1.processid = m4.processidJOIN schritte s ON m1.processid = s.ProzesseIDLEFT JOIN benutzer u ON s.BearbeitungsBenutzerID = u.BenutzerIDWHERE ='TitleDocMain'AND ='TitleDocMainArabic'AND ='ContentDescription'AND ='ContentDescriptionArabic'AND s.typMetadaten = TRUEAND s.Bearbeitungsstatus =3AND s.titel like'%ranslat%'AND s.BearbeitungsEnde BETWEEN'2019-01-01'AND'2020-12-31'GROUP BY plugin_statistics_sudan_timeRange, plugin_statistics_sudan_userName;
SQL query for a detailed report:
SELECT m1.processid, m1.value AS plugin_statistics_sudan_title, WORDCOUNT(m1.value) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_titleCount, m2.value AS plugin_statistics_sudan_titlearabic, WORDCOUNT(m2.value) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_titlearabicCount, m3.value AS plugin_statistics_sudan_description, WORDCOUNT(m3.value) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_descriptionCount, m4.value AS plugin_statistics_sudan_descriptionarabic, WORDCOUNT(m4.value) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_descriptionarabicCount, s.Titel AS plugin_statistics_sudan_workflowTitle, p.Titel AS plugin_statistics_sudan_processTitle,CONCAT(u.Nachname, ', ', u.Vorname) AS plugin_statistics_sudan_userNameFROM metadata m1JOIN metadata m2 ON m1.processid = m2.processidJOIN metadata m3 ON m1.processid = m3.processidJOIN metadata m4 ON m1.processid = m4.processidJOIN schritte s ON m1.processid = s.ProzesseIDLEFT JOIN prozesse p ON s.ProzesseID = p.ProzesseIDLEFT JOIN benutzer u ON s.BearbeitungsBenutzerID = u.BenutzerIDWHERE ='TitleDocMain'AND ='TitleDocMainArabic'AND ='ContentDescription'AND ='ContentDescriptionArabic'AND s.typMetadaten = TRUEAND s.titel like'%ranslat%'AND s.Bearbeitungsstatus =3AND s.BearbeitungsEnde BETWEEN'2019-01-01'AND'2020-12-31';