The preview view contains a list of all images in the input folder. However, these are usually spread over several pages to keep the loading times of the images to be displayed as short as possible. Depending on the selected setting, opposite right and left book pages are displayed next to each other, or alternately only right and only left images are displayed, so that they can be compared quickly.
Within the preview view you can define how large the images should be displayed and whether the cropping frame should be displayed above the original image or a preview of the later cropped image instead.
Corrections can be made to each individual image directly from this display. Thus, by means of the slider beside the image, the rotation can be changed, with the mouse pointer the book fold can be positioned differently and by means of clicking and dragging, the size and position of the cropping frame can be changed.
Tip: Note that you can also adjust an image (rotation, book fold or frame) by holding down the Shift key.
In this case, your correction will be applied not only to the currently selected image, but also to all subsequent images displayed. This may save a lot of time for manual correction work.
Besides the possibility to change each image directly from the preview view, the three buttons next to each image allow direct access to the detailed view of the image analysis for the corresponding image within the single page view.
Using the Forward
and Backward
buttons above and below the preview list, the user can scroll through the pages of the displayed images.
Within the preview view there is a menu with several buttons for the configuration of the image display in the left area.
The functions offered in this menu have the following meaning:
This button takes you to the overview page of the LayoutWizard. Depending on the configuration, this is also the initial page. From there you can return to the preview view by clicking on the button Open Preview.
With this button you can save the changes you have made so far. Using this button is especially advisable if you foresee an interruption of your work, which might last longer and thus lead to a timeout of the current user session.
A click on this button toggles the display of the preview images, so that either a preview of the final image or a display of the original image with book fold and frame lines is shown.
These buttons change the size of the preview images displayed. Larger images allow better direct editing. Smaller images, on the other hand, allow more images to be viewed at the same time.
These options allow you to switch between displaying right and left pages separately and displaying left and right pages simultaneously.
The preview view includes an image area like the following for each image file. It consists of the actual image display, the controls for rotation and cropping frame, and several buttons to enter the detail view for a specific analysis phase.
The image display contains the actual image. The image is rotated according to the analysis results and contains markers for the fold position (red) and the cutting frame (turquoise). Both markers can be touched and moved with the mouse to correct the analysis data. Clicking, holding and dragging the mouse within the cropping frame moves the entire frame.
Tip: If you hold down the Shift key
during one of these actions, the change is applied to all subsequent images of the same orientation on the current page. Relative coordinates are used. Thus, if one moves the fold of a right image to a position 10% from the left image edge while holding down the Shift-key
, the fold will be positioned 10% from the left image edge for all following right images on the page; independent of the absolute size of the images.
Additionally, by double-clicking on the image, a rotation mode is opened, in which the rotation of the image can be changed by moving the mouse up and down. This rotation is not proportional to the mouse movement, but the further away the mouse is from the origin, the stronger the rotation. A double click again will end the rotation mode.
With the slider next to the image display, the rotation of the image can be changed. Simply click and drag the button up or down to change the rotation of the selected image.
In addition to the image display, there is a control element for moving the cropping frame. This button can be moved with the mouse in all directions and thus moves the position of the cropping frame. Please note that the displacement of the frame is not proportional. The further the button is dragged after clicking, the faster the frame is moved.
The three buttons next to the image display allow you to enter the single page view for the selected analysis phase in order to adjust individual analysis parameters there. If you click on the Open Preview button in the detail view again, you will be taken back to the same image in the preview view
Below the buttons for the detail view is the image number within the input folder. This is not the file name of the image file but a simple counter that in case of many similarly displayed images should give an orientation at which position within the image files one is currently located.
Depending on the configuration of the LayoutWizard, a drop-down menu may also appear in this area. This allows you to change the orientation for the respective page. Please note that the change made here is only applied to the currently selected image and does not affect subsequent images.